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发布时间:2018-04-08 16:38

  本文选题:开采沉陷 切入点:动态预计 出处:《安徽理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Mining subsidence is a complex process with time and space variation. In order to further explore the mechanism of mining subsidence and reduce the impact of mining subsidence on the environment, the dynamic process of surface movement and deformation caused by underground mining should be studied.In this paper, three working faces in Lianghuai mining area are selected, and based on the measured data of ground surface movement and deformation observation station, the dynamic law of surface subsidence in mining subsidence is analyzed.According to the velocity characteristics of surface subsidence, it is divided into four stages: pre-mining stable period, accelerated subsidence period, deceleration subsidence period and postharvest stable period,The characteristics of each stage and the proportion of the total subsidence time vary according to the geological and mining conditions of the working face and the relative position of the surface point and the working face.The Knothe time function, which is widely used in the prediction of mining subsidence dynamic, is derived and analyzed. The parameters of Knothe time function are obtained from the measured data, and the dynamic subsidence process of the ground surface is retrieved and compared with the measured data.The results show that the time function of: Knothe has some defects in describing the subsidence velocity of the earth's surface, and using it to predict the dynamic subsidence process of the earth's surface often results in large errors.In view of the shortage of Knothe time function, a new parameter 蟿 is added to the Knothe time function, which means the time when the peak value of subsidence velocity of surface point occurs.The improved Knothe time function model is established by using the piecewise function with 蟿 as the discontinuity point. The improved Knothe time function can overcome the shortcoming of the original Knothe time function in describing the subsidence velocity of the earth's surface.The dynamic process of predicting or retrieving ground subsidence with higher accuracy.The function of the parameters in the improved Knothe time function is analyzed. The function model controls the upper and lower boundaries of the function by controlling the final subsidence of the surface W _ 0, and the influence coefficient C of time factor C and the time of maximum subsidence velocity 蟿 jointly affect the shape of the function curve.The methods of obtaining the parameters are discussed, in which the final subsidence W0 can be obtained by using the probabilistic integration model or D-Insar method.The influence coefficient C of time factor can be calculated by fitting the measured data of observation station or calculating the range of values according to the geological and mining conditions of the working face.The occurrence time 蟿 of maximum subsidence velocity can also be obtained by regression analysis of measured data according to the formula of lag angle of maximum subsidence velocity in mining area.According to the measured data of the ground movement observation station of the experimental working face, the parameters needed to improve the Knothe time function are calculated, and the dynamic prediction model of the surface subsidence of the working face is established according to the result of the calculation of the parameters. The accuracy of the improved Knothe time function is analyzed by comparing the predicted value with the measured value.The results show that the improved Knothe time function can simulate the dynamic process of mining subsidence with high precision, and the simulation results accord with the dynamic law of surface subsidence.Finally, the application of the improved Knothe time function is explored by taking the scope of surface water and the prediction of building damage grade as examples.


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