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发布时间:2018-04-16 19:35

  本文选题:甘肃省 + 工矿废弃地复垦 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Reclamation and utilization of industrial and mining wasteland is an important ecological and environmental protection project, which is based on the responsibilities of land and resources management, and reclaim and rehabilitate the abandoned land, which is caused by the construction of mine, transportation, energy, water conservancy and other projects.Its essence is to improve the local ecological environment, and its purpose is to reduce the amount of cultivated land occupied by project construction through reclamation and utilization of industrial and mining wasteland, and to solve the problem of insufficient planning index of construction land.Based on the analysis of the present situation and effect of reclamation and utilization of industrial and mining wasteland at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the mineral resources, industrial and mineral wasteland, reclamation and utilization of industrial and mining wasteland, key areas of reclamation and approval process of projects in Gansu Province.Fund raising and management, supervision and acceptance management and other management status.From the point of view of the government manager, combined with the actual situation of Gansu Province, this paper analyzes the current policies, management processes and stakeholders, and finds out that there is a cumbersome process of reporting for approval in the reclamation and utilization of industrial and mining wasteland in Gansu Province.Problems such as uncertain ownership of reclaimed land, imperfect management system, inability to integrate project funds, etc., and the design of the policy system for improvement, the design of procedures for approval and acceptance, the design of supervision and management processes, and the design of raising funds, etc.Stakeholders coordinate design and implementation steps.In order to ensure the smooth development of reclamation and utilization of industrial and mining wasteland, it is proposed to ensure the smooth implementation of the design from the aspects of policy formulation, coordination of departments, supervision and management, and to speed up the reclamation and management work of industrial and mining wasteland in Gansu Province.Emphasis is placed on reducing the process of approval, strengthening the construction of management system, integrating project funds, and arousing the enthusiasm of stakeholders.


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