本文选题:地质构造 + 煤储层特征 ; 参考:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on the related data of exploration and production disclosure in Jiaoping mining area, this paper applies the theory of tectonic geology, the theory of structural control of occurrence of coalbed methane, the theory of tectonic control gas and the comprehensive theory of geology of coalbed methane, and adopts qualitative and quantitative methods.The development characteristics of geological structure and the occurrence and distribution of coalbed methane are analyzed by multivariate linear stepwise regression, and the characteristics of coalbed methane resources in the study area are summarized and analyzed.Thus, the following new understanding is obtained: (1) the fault structure in the study area is not very developed, mainly developed a wide and gentle fold structure intertwined in the direction of NNE and NW, which can be used for mining coal seam 4-2, which is relatively stable, thick, and buried deep to medium.The roof and floor strata of coal seam are relatively compact, the pressure of coal reservoir is not large, and the hydrogeological conditions are simple, which is advantageous to the occurrence of coalbed gas in the study area. Most of the areas in the study area belong to the N2-CH4 zone, and the mines in the study area are all high gas mines.From the south to the north, the absolute gas emission presents a decreasing trend, generally in the form of ordinary emission. The factors affecting the distribution of coalbed methane are analyzed from four aspects: coal seam characteristics, structural characteristics, buried characteristics of coal seam and hydrogeological characteristics.It is considered that the above factors have different effects on the distribution of CBM in the study area, but the fold structure controls the distribution and occurrence of CBM, and the coal seam in the syncline is thick and buried deep, which is beneficial to the preservation of CBM.The anticline, on the contrary, plays a major role in controlling the distribution of CBM. By using stepwise regression analysis, it is concluded that the content of CBM is mainly related to the thickness and oil-bearing intensity of small street sandstone.The relationship between sand and mudstone ratio is obvious.) in the study area, the coal bed methane reserves are 984 million m3, the average resource abundance is 0.3 脳 10 8 m 3 / km 2, the area of gas drainage is 2.03 km 2, the coal bed methane resource of main coal seam has reached 9400 脳 10 4 m 3, the amount of gas resource can be extracted and produced 6580 脳 10 4 m 3, which is rich in resources and can be exploited and utilized.
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