本文选题:J集团 + 境外矿产资源 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of the integration of global economy, the exploitation of overseas resources is not only an important component of the strategy of opening up to the outside world and "going out", but also an inevitable choice for enterprises to seek sustainable development. As the global economy enters a period of deep restructuring, the economy recovers slowly, with weak growth in emerging countries, weak demand for commodities and a monopoly of high-quality mineral resources by multinational mining giants. How to develop against the trend under the condition that the self-owned resources are decreasing day by day and the degree of internationalization is not high, it has become an important challenge for J Group to ensure the stable supply of resources and the sustainable development of enterprises through "going out". Based on the theory of foreign direct investment, multinational corporation and enterprise strategic management, this paper adopts the method of combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis and theoretical analysis with case analysis. Based on the macro-environment of global mining development, the supply and demand situation of international mineral products market and the characteristics of China's mineral resources outward direct investment, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the external environment for the development of mineral resources outside J group by using "PEST" analysis method. Combined with the status quo, layout, management status and industry status of overseas resource development of J Group, the internal conditions of implementing overseas resource development strategy of J Group are combed out. On the basis of the external macro environment of J group and the actual conditions inside the enterprise, this paper constructs the SWOT analysis model of J group's offshore resource development strategy, and clarifies the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities of J group's offshore resource development strategy. Thus, the guiding ideology and strategic objectives of the overseas resource development strategy of group J are determined, and the strategy is discussed in detail from four aspects: resource priority, capital operation, local operation and risk control. The general strategic goal of overseas resource development of J Group is to construct resource superiority, deepen scientific and technological innovation, strengthen capital operation and implement transnational operation. The overall strategy is divided into resource strategy, capital strategy, local management strategy and risk control strategy. The resource strategy refers to taking Africa and the surrounding areas of Asia as the main investment destinations, increasing investment in mineral exploration, acquiring foreign mining projects (rights and interests) and strengthening cooperation with international mining companies by means of equity acquisition. To build a stable overseas resource supply base, to rely on Hong Kong's business environment to purchase listed companies as a platform for overseas project capital operation and asset management, to broaden financing channels, to reduce financing costs, and to avoid tax reasonably. To strengthen capital flows, to avoid the investment risks of domestic investors, and to introduce venture capital through backdoor listing, and to cooperate with policy-related financial institutions such as China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank, China-Africa Development Fund, Silk Road Fund, ASEAN Fund, etc. To use international capital to provide capital guarantee for the strategy of overseas resources; the localization strategy refers to the practice of local management in the host country, focusing on harmonious development with local governments, enterprises, communities, social organizations, people, and mutual benefit and win-win results. To establish a civilized and responsible enterprise image and to realize the sustainable development of the enterprise in the host country, the risk control strategy is to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the project by using scientific risk control methods.
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