本文选题:磷矿 + 微晶化 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:本实验立足机械力化学基本原理,通过物理加工的方法,破坏天然矿物(包括中低品位磷矿、钾矿、膨润土、沸石、麦饭石等)的晶格结构,提高物理活性。选择性能优异的助磨剂,延后研磨平衡到来时间,使得微晶化矿粉加工细度更细,增大其比表面积。 磷矿粉经微晶化加工之后,由于晶格结构被破坏,磷的枸溶率由4.03%提高到44.3%,从而使得中低品位磷矿粉的直接使用,成为可能。微晶化磷矿粉用于代替传统磷肥,降雨时取得农田地表径流数据,分别测量地表径流液中氮、磷、钾的含量,并与传统施肥水样作对比。发现二倍磷矿粉处理对比传统施肥,能够减少磷元素流失60%左右,而且在实验进行三个月后磷元素仍能持续释放,与此同时传统磷肥的磷已释放完毕。施用微晶化磷矿粉还可以与氮肥反应起到缓释作用,实验表明大田中施用微晶化磷矿粉代替化学磷肥,在实验期三个月内能减少氮肥流失20%左右。在农学效果评价上,,二倍磷量微晶化磷矿粉处理的圣女果植株平均比传统磷肥处理高度增加6%左右,产量提高了10%左右。但是等磷量处理效果不如传统施肥。水蜜桃种植过程中添加微晶化钾矿粉的处理,可溶性固形物含量明显提高。添加微晶化磷矿粉的处理,由于磷矿粉对溶于水的钾离子具有吸附作用,在土壤中钾含量降低时,又能发生解吸附,补充土壤中的钾。因此添加磷矿粉处理的水蜜桃,可溶性固形物含量也高于传统处理。添加微晶化钾矿粉的桃子平均单果重对比传统处理增大了约7%。 土柱淋洗实验证明,麦饭石与膨润土的组合对氮磷钾三种元素的流失都有抑制作用,但抑制作用比较小。沸石在实验前期对氮和钾流失的抑制作用明显,随着实验的进行,其抑制作用逐渐减弱。沸石对磷的流失基本没有抑制作用,但是使用磷矿粉与沸石配合,能显著延长磷的释放。沸石和麦饭石的组合对氮和磷都有明显的减排效果,并且克服了沸石作用时间短的缺点。沸石和麦饭石组合对钾流失前期基本没有减排效果,实验后期效果逐渐明显。沸石与膨润土组合对氮磷钾流失减排效果均不明显。沸石对重金属离子铜的吸附效果较好,但是对锌离子几乎没有吸附作用。麦饭石和膨润土对重金属离子铜和锌均有较好的吸附效果,但是当环境重金属离子含量降低时,易发生解吸附。
[Abstract]:This experiment, based on the basic principle of mechanochemistry, destroys the lattice structure of natural minerals (including low grade phosphate rock, potassium ore, bentonite, zeolite, and rice stone, etc.), and improves the physical activity. Specific surface area.
After the microcrystalline processing of phosphate rock, the dissolution rate of phosphorus is increased from 4.03% to 44.3% because of the destruction of the lattice structure, which makes it possible to use the medium and low grade phosphorus mineral powder directly. Compared with the traditional fertilization water sample, it was found that two times of phosphorus mineral powder treatment compared with traditional fertilization could reduce the loss of phosphorus by about 60%, and the phosphorus element could be released continuously after three months of experiment. Meanwhile, phosphorus in the traditional phosphate fertilizer has been released. The application of microcrystalline phosphorus mineral to replace the chemical phosphate fertilizer in Ming Da Tian can reduce the loss of nitrogen fertilizer by about 20% in the three months of the experimental period. In the evaluation of agronomic effect, the average height of the Cherry Tomatoes plant treated with two times phosphorus microcrystalline phosphorous mineral powder increased by 6%, and the yield increased by about 10%. The content of soluble solids in the process of adding microcrystalline potassium mineral powder is obviously improved. The treatment of adding microcrystalline phosphor ore powder has a adsorption effect on the potassium ions dissolved in water. When the content of potassium is reduced in the soil, it can also be desorbed and supplement the potassium in the soil. Therefore, the addition of phosphorus mineral is added to the soil. The content of soluble solids in peach was also higher than that in traditional treatment. The average fruit weight of peach added with microcrystalline potassium ore powder increased by about 7%. compared with traditional treatment.
Soil column leaching experiments showed that the combination of bentonite and bentonite inhibited the loss of three elements of N, P and K, but the inhibition effect was small. The inhibition effect of zeolite on the loss of nitrogen and potassium was obvious in the early stage of the experiment. With the experiment, the inhibition effect gradually weakened. The combination of phosphorous mineral powder and zeolite can significantly prolong the release of phosphorus. The combination of zeolite and rice stone has obvious effect on reducing nitrogen and phosphorus, and overcomes the shortcoming of short time of zeolite action. The combination of zeolite and rice stone has no effect on reducing the early potassium loss, and the effect is gradually obvious in the later period of the experiment. The combination of zeolite and bentonite to nitrogen is used. The effect of phosphorus and potassium loss is not obvious. The adsorption effect of zeolite on heavy metal ion copper is better, but there is almost no adsorption effect on zinc ion. The wheat rice stone and bentonite have good adsorption effect on heavy metal ions copper and zinc, but when the content of heavy metal ions in the environment is reduced, it is easy to be adsorbed.
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