发布时间:2018-05-03 08:01
本文选题:萤石 + 湖南省郴州市 ; 参考:《矿冶工程》2017年06期
【摘要】:正12月12日,长沙矿冶研究院承担的"复杂伴生萤石低温高效浮选技术"攻关项目,在湖南省郴州市通过验收并正式投产,这意味着复杂伴生萤石综合回收这一世界难题在湖南省省获得重大突破。郴州柿竹园是世界罕见的多种有色金属富集地,其中伴生萤石资源储量近1亿吨,占全国伴生萤石总量的70%,潜在价值高达2 200亿元以上。经过前期多金属选矿后,尾矿含有大量未回收萤石资源,但存在主品位低、杂质含量高、多金属选矿残余药剂对萤石浮选效果干扰大等问题,其提纯回收成为业内公认难题,曾多次列入国家科技攻关计划。
[Abstract]:On December 12, the Changsha Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Research undertook the project "complex associated fluorite low-temperature and high-efficiency flotation technology", which was accepted and formally put into production in Chenzhou, Hunan Province. This means that the complex associated fluorite recovery is a major breakthrough in Hunan province. Chenzhou Shizhuyuan is a rare enrichment area of many kinds of nonferrous metals in the world, among which the associated fluorite reserves are nearly 100 million tons, accounting for 70% of the total associated fluorite in China, with a potential value of more than 2 20 billion yuan. After the early polymetallic dressing, the tailings contain a large number of unrecovered fluorite resources, but the main grade is low, the impurity content is high, and the residual reagent of polymetallic mineral dressing has great interference on the flotation effect of fluorite. The purification and recovery of the tailings have become a recognized problem in the industry. Has been included in the National Science and Technology Program for many times.