本文选题:排土场 + 边坡稳定 ; 参考:《石家庄铁道大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:A mine dump, also known as a waste quarry, is a pre-designated site for the concentration of wastes generated by mining in a mine. In recent years, with the rapid development of mining industry in China, mining technology has been greatly improved. The development of large open pit mine makes the volume of mine dump increase gradually, and the area of mine dump becomes larger and larger. In order to improve the economic benefit of mine enterprises and reduce the area of mine dump area, Many mining enterprises maximize the use of existing mine dump to increase their accumulation height. Mine dump is an artificial accumulator, and also a reservoir of water and water for atmospheric rainfall. The infiltration of atmospheric rainfall will change the seepage field inside the dump slope, which will cause the increase of the water load inside the slope and greatly reduce the friction between the accumulated materials of the slope, which is an important reason for the instability of the dump slope in the rainy season. So it is necessary to study the effect of rainfall on dump stability. Summing up many engineering examples, a large number of vertical tensile cracks on the top of the slope are a clear precursor to the failure of soil slope. Tension cracks will reduce the stability of the slope and eventually lead to slope failure. The formation and development of slope cracks have a great influence on the safety of mine dump. Once the mine dump is unstable, it will not only affect the normal production of open pit and dump, but also endanger the life and property safety of personnel and equipment. How to improve the stability of mine dump dam has become an urgent problem. The purpose of this paper is to study the slope stability of open-pit dump under the influence of rainfall and vertical cracks at the top of the slope, and to apply the analysis results to an engineering example of a dump. The influence of rainfall and vertical tension joint on slope stability of dump is obtained, and the security and reservoir capacity are realized. Under this background, this paper has carried on the following beneficial work: 1) the system introduces the finite element strength reduction method basic principle, The advantages of using this principle to analyze the slope stability and the main basis for judging the overall instability of the slope by using the finite element method are described in detail.) the strength reduction method based on the finite element method is used to determine the overall instability of the slope. Combined with the engineering example of a dump in Chengde City, Hebei Province, the slope of the dump under normal and rainstorm conditions was simulated and analyzed by using finite element software Midas/GTS. Combining the transient seepage field of rainfall infiltration with slope stability analysis and applying it to the calculation of slope stability of mine dump, the stress of the dump slope under the action of self-weight and rainfall is obtained. According to the Swedish method and Bishop method of limit equilibrium method, the position and shape of the most dangerous sliding surface of the slope are determined by using the criterion of overall instability of the slope, such as the isoline cloud diagram of shear strain, and the safety factor of the stability of the slope when the whole slope is unstable is determined by using the Swedish method and the Bishop method in the limit equilibrium method. The slope stability analysis software STAB2005 is used to analyze the stability of the dump slope with vertical tension cracks on the top of the slope. Under the condition that the shape of the most dangerous sliding crack surface is kept unchanged, the variation law of the most dangerous tension crack position and the stability safety factor of the dump slope is calculated. The results of the strength reduction method, the Swedish method and the Bishop method are compared by the strength reduction method, the Swedish method and the Bishop method. The superiority and strictness of finite element method in slope stability analysis are studied.
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