本文选题:尾矿坝 + 模袋法 ; 参考:《北京科技大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:As a new technology to solve the dam problem of fine-grained tailings, the mold bag method fills the fine tailings into the set geo-mold bag, and makes use of the advantages of the mold bag material to permeate the sand and accelerate the consolidation, so as to realize the rapid and safe dam of the fine-grained tailings. It has received widespread attention in the field of fine tailing dam research. The technology of mould bag method originated in the field of water conservancy slope protection and formed a series of research results. In this paper, the technical achievements are successfully introduced into the field of tailings dam construction, and the key technologies suitable for the dam construction of the tailings reservoir are studied and developed, combining with the characteristics and requirements of the tailings dam construction. In this paper, the mechanism of stability and how to check calculation are studied, and the results are summarized as follows: 1) through the filling test of fine tailing mold bag, The application range of fine tailing sand bag method for dam diameter is explored. The test results show that the dam construction mode can be realized directly in the tailings of 10 ~ 20 ~ 0.045 mm tailings with grain size of 10 ~ 20% and 0.045 mm, which breaks through the limit of direct dam construction by tailings within the range of particle size, and reveals the mechanism of strengthening the strength of the dam. Based on the analysis of strength enhancement mechanism of mold bag and the experiment of several mechanical properties of mould bag, the mechanical properties of mould bag and mold bag are studied in depth. Because of the restraint of the soil bag tension, the mould bag material and the tailings act together, which makes the shearing strength of the loose tailings of the mold bag body increase obviously, and the integrity of the mold bag body is enhanced. The method of numerical simulation and analysis of tailings dam by mold bag method is established by changing tailing sand from "bulk material" to "material with certain continuity", and the safety coefficient of dam body stability is increased by more than 25%. In this paper, the slope stability of the tailings dam is proved by the method of dividing the horizontal strip and establishing the equilibrium equation. According to the failure mode of the dam, the contact surface element is used to simulate the interlayer contact of the bag body, combined with the shear strength reduction method and the contact surface finite element method. The interlayer slip failure characteristics of formwork bag dam are calculated and analyzed, and the slip deformation and failure process are obtained. The above research results are applied to the engineering practice of two formwork bag method, and the results are verified effectively.
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