发布时间:2018-06-11 18:35
本文选题:概率积分法 + 开采沉陷预计 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:在我国,煤炭资源的开采对促进整个国民经济发展具有重要的推动意义。由于我国对煤炭的需求量较大,建筑物下、铁路下和水体下的煤炭开采强度和开采范围在不断地扩大,造成了较大规模和范围的地表移动与变形,导致地表建(构)筑物因地基承受力下降而受到损坏。这一现象不仅严重影响了处于采空区上方的道路、住宅小区及工矿企业等的正常使用及运营,而且威胁到了在矿区中生产生活的人民的安全。因此,为了最大限度地减小煤炭开采对矿区造成的地面沉陷灾害影响,研究、预测矿区开采沉陷对地面建(构)筑物的影响程度是十分必要和迫切的。 本文针对开采对地面村庄房屋建筑的损害影响问题,在求得矿区开采沉陷地表移动变形预计结果的基础上,以Visual Basic语言为开发工具,结合图形处理工具AutoCAD二次开发的基本思想以及Access数据库管理系统,,设计开发得到建筑物采动损害评估可视化系统,以预测开采对地面村庄建筑的损害范围和损害程度。主要完成了以下工作: (1)分析研究概率积分法原理以及与实例矿区相同地质条件下煤炭开采造成的地表移动变形规律,并以此为基础,应用山区煤矿开采地表移动变形预计软件MMSPS对矿区开采沉陷地表移动变形规律进行预计。 (2)结合AutoCAD强大的编辑功能、图形功能和高度的开放性,着重研究了基于AutoCAD二次开发技术构建移动变形等值线以及损害等级分布可视化的方法。 (3)在实现开采损害等级评估可视化的基础上,通过系统得到开采对地面建筑物损害的评价结果,应用系统的信息统计分析和查询功能,对地面建筑损害评价信息进行了细致的汇总,以及自动生成诸如房屋破坏面积和沉陷面积等各种信息的专题地图;实现了部分属性查询结果与图形中对应特征部分的同步高亮显示,使得查询结果一目了然;另外,系统可随时选择并输出用户需要的图形结果和查询统计结果,体现了系统信息保存的实时性。 (4)选取某城尹家煤矿为研究对象,针对该矿区尹家村东北部采空区的具体地质采矿条件,进行了建筑物采动损害评估可视化系统的工程实际应用,文中详细介绍了整个预计和可视化评价的过程,得到的开采损害等级评价结果鲜明、突出,对矿区的下一步开采工作具有一定的指导意义。 本文开发的建筑物采动损害评估可视化系统易于操作,得到的损害评估结果简洁明了,直击重点,不仅可以实现系统开发的各种图形绘制、显示、查询、统计等功能,还保留了AutoCAD自身强大的图形操作功能,对矿区的开采沉陷损害预测及可视化的实现具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In our country, the exploitation of coal resources is of great significance to promote the development of the whole national economy. Due to the large demand for coal in China, the intensity and scope of coal mining under buildings, railways and water bodies are constantly expanding, resulting in the surface movement and deformation on a large scale and scope. As a result, the surface building is damaged by the decrease of the bearing capacity of the foundation. This phenomenon not only seriously affects the normal use and operation of roads, residential areas and industrial and mining enterprises above the goaf, but also threatens the safety of the people who produce and live in the mining areas. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact of coal mining on surface subsidence disasters in mining areas, It is necessary and urgent to predict the influence of mining subsidence on ground building. On the basis of obtaining the predicted results of ground movement and deformation of mining subsidence in mining area, taking Visual basic language as development tool, combining with the basic idea of AutoCAD secondary development and Access database management system, The visual system of building mining damage assessment is designed and developed to predict the damage scope and damage degree of mining to the ground village building. The main work is as follows: 1) the principle of probabilistic integration method and the law of ground surface movement and deformation caused by coal mining under the same geological conditions are analyzed and studied. This paper applies the software MMSPS to predict the law of surface movement and deformation in mining subsidence of mining area in mountainous area. Combined with the powerful editing function of AutoCAD, the graphic function and the high openness of AutoCAD, the software MMSPS is used to predict the law of surface movement and deformation of mining subsidence in mining area. Based on the secondary development technology of AutoCAD, the method of constructing the moving deformation isoline and the visualization of damage grade distribution is studied. The evaluation results of ground building damage caused by mining are obtained by the system. The information of ground building damage evaluation is summarized carefully by using the system information statistic analysis and query function. And automatic generation of various information such as building damage area and subsidence area thematic map; part of the attribute query results and the corresponding features in the graphics of the synchronized highlight, so that the query results at a glance; in addition, The system can select and output the graph result and the query statistic result of the user at any time, which reflects the real time of the information preservation of the system. 4) A certain city Yinja coal mine is selected as the research object. In view of the specific geological and mining conditions of the goaf in the northeast of Yinjiacun in this mining area, the practical application of the visual system for building mining damage assessment is carried out, and the whole process of prediction and visual evaluation is introduced in detail in this paper. The result of evaluation of mining damage grade is clear and outstanding, which has certain guiding significance for the next mining work in mining area. The visual system of building mining damage assessment developed in this paper is easy to operate. The result of damage assessment is simple and clear, and it can not only realize the functions of drawing, displaying, querying, statistics and so on, but also retain the powerful graphic operation function of AutoCAD itself. It has important practical significance for mining subsidence damage prediction and visualization.
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