本文选题:小牛井田 + 晚二叠世 ; 参考:《贵州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:During the late Permian, the Mauniu area of Shuicheng, Guizhou Province was located near the continental transitional facies, with frequent advance and retreat of sea water and special coal-forming environment. At the end of the late Permian, the paleoenvironment changed dramatically, and the coal-forming plants changed into coal seams after a series of changes. Some paleoenvironmental information will be preserved by plants and stored in coal seams. Therefore, the study of coal seams has important paleoenvironmental significance. Based on the knowledge of sedimentology, geochemistry, coal petrology and mathematical statistics, more than 140 coal core samples from 18 main coal seams from 12 boreholes in Xiaoniu mine field and 6 underground coal seam samples from Panxian area are collected in this paper. The isotopic analysis of major elements, trace elements, coal quality and coal seam organic carbon were carried out, and the relationship between major elements, trace elements, coal quality, coal seam organic carbon isotopes and coal-forming environment was discussed, so as to understand the major elements and trace elements. The variation of organic carbon isotopes reveals the paleoenvironmental information contained in coal seams. After research and analysis, the following conclusions have been reached: 1. Through the analysis of sulfur and ash in coal, it is concluded that coal forming environment is the main factor to control coal quality. The total sulfur content of Mavericks mine is mainly composed of pyrite sulfur, followed by organic sulfur. According to the proportion of pyrite sulfur to total sulfur and organic sulfur to total sulfur, the coal seam forming environment should be tidal flat and delta environment. The longitudinal variation law of total sulfur and ash in coal seam can clearly invert two large transgressive and regressive cycles in coal-forming period. The total sulfur content and ash content of the coal seam formed during the sea retreat are lower and the total sulfur content of the coal seam formed during the transgression is higher than that of the coal seam formed during the transgression, and the ash content is lower than that of the other coal seam. Through the test and analysis of constant elements and trace elements in coal seam, it is considered that the enrichment of elements is closely related to the coal-forming environment. The enrichment of trace elements is largely controlled by the continental clastic material provided by the Emeishan basalt. The geochemical parameters of the elements indicate that the source area has a moderate chemical weathering under warm and humid conditions, and peat is formed in a weak to strong reduction environment. The longitudinal variation of trace element B _ (Co) C _ (Cr) C _ (C) C _ (1) C ~ (2 +) ~ (2 +) Zn in coal can be used to reflect the change of paleo sea level, the content of trace elements in coal seam formed during regression is lower, and the content of trace element in coal seam formed during transgression is higher than that in coal seam formed during transgression. In the coal seam of Xiaoniu mine field, most of the microscopic coal and rock components are vitrinite, followed by inertinite. The ratio of vitrinite (V) to inertinite (I) is between 1.10 and 2.27, and the peat formation is a very wet environment of overlying water. During transgression, the contents of vitrinite and vitrinite decreased, while that of inertinite increased, while that of vitrinite increased, and that of inertinite decreased. The study of coal seam organic carbon isotope found that the carbon isotopic composition near the P / T boundary was rapidly negative deviated, which was similar to previous studies on the carbon isotope composition near the P / T boundary. It was assumed that the CO2 content of volcanic origin was very high at that time. The carbon isotopes in plants are significantly negative skewed, which may be related to the extinction of terrestrial plants at the end of Permian.
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