本文选题:采矿工程 + 煤与瓦斯突出 ; 参考:《岩石力学与工程学报》2017年10期
【摘要】:煤层中高压瓦斯主要以吸附态为主,为了研究吸附瓦斯含量对煤与瓦斯突出的影响,利用吸附性依次增强的氦气、氮气、甲烷和二氧化碳模拟相同气压下吸附瓦斯含量的不同。将0.75 MPa的上述4种气体充入物理力学性质相同的型煤并充分吸附,模拟游离瓦斯含量相同、吸附瓦斯含量不同的煤体,考虑4种不同强度型煤开展16次瞬间揭露试验。试验发生9次持续时间1 s左右的突出现象,对于低强度型煤试验不吸附的氦气也发生突出现象;试验结果表明随吸附气体含量增加,型煤发生突出的风险增大,吸附气体含量越大其突出强度越大。提出吸附气体膨胀能的测定方法,根据突出能量公式计算发生突出的煤体弹性能、吸附及游离气体膨胀能等突出潜能和煤体破碎功、抛出功等突出耗能,突出潜能与突出耗能基本相等验证吸附气体膨胀能测定方法的合理性。能量分析表明参与突出过程的吸附气体膨胀能占总气体膨胀能的7.9%~32.3%,占突出潜能的6.5%~25.6%,且其占比随吸附气体含量增大而增大。研究成果为揭示、量化吸附瓦斯含量在突出中的作用提供参考和依据。
[Abstract]:In order to study the influence of adsorbed gas content on coal and gas outburst, the different adsorbed gas contents of helium, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide are used to study the influence of adsorbed gas content on coal and gas outburst. The above four kinds of gases of 0.75 MPA were filled into briquette with the same physical and mechanical properties and fully adsorbed. The coal bodies with the same free gas content and different adsorbed gas content were simulated. Four briquettes of different strength were considered to carry out 16 instantaneous exposure tests. The experimental results show that the risk of briquette outburst increases with the increase of adsorbed gas content, as well as the outburst of helium gas which is not adsorbed in low strength briquette test. The higher the content of adsorbed gas, the greater the outburst strength. The method of measuring the expansion energy of adsorbed gas is put forward. According to the formula of outburst energy, the outburst energy of coal body, the outstanding potential of expanding energy of adsorption and free gas, the breaking work of coal body and the outburst energy consumption of coal body are calculated according to the formula of outburst energy. The method of measuring the expansion energy of adsorbed gas is verified by the equality of outburst potential and outburst energy consumption. Energy analysis showed that the swelling energy of adsorbed gas involved in the outburst process accounted for 7.9% of the total gas expansion energy, accounting for 6.525. 6% of the outstanding potential, and its proportion increased with the increase of the content of adsorbed gas. The research results provide reference and basis for revealing the role of quantitative adsorbed gas content in outburst.
【作者单位】: 山东大学岩土与结构工程研究中心;淮南矿业集团深部煤炭开采与环境保护国家重点实验室;中国矿业大学安全工程学院;
【基金】:国家重大科研仪器研制项目(51427804) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR201702180051) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0801402)~~
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