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发布时间:2018-06-30 19:00

  本文选题:排土场边坡 + 滑坡 ; 参考:《北京科技大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:With the development and utilization of mineral resources in China, the scale of mining has gradually expanded, and open-pit mines have gradually stepped into the stage of deep mining. The stability of mine slopes such as open-pit stope slope and solid waste discharge accumulation slope will be an important problem that our mines must face at this stage. Especially in recent years, there are frequent extreme weather conditions, which lead to frequent accidents of mine slope instability, resulting in huge loss of life and property. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and far-reaching practical influence to carry out the research on the stability of mine slope for the safety, lasting and healthy development of the mining industry in China. It is the first attempt to apply Land-based synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to the slope monitoring of mine dump. Combined with the characteristics of radar monitoring and the actual situation of mine engineering, this paper makes a preliminary exploration on its location and layout. It has certain reference significance for the study of mine slope monitoring by using this technique in the future. Based on the analysis of deformation monitoring information of landslide in different stages of dump slope, the spatial evolution law and deformation characteristics of dump slope instability are obtained. It is put forward that the development of dump landslide is from the formation of tension cracks in the rear edge to the vertical "domino" process, the horizontal diagonal traction, and then the gradual development and downward movement to the middle axis, until the whole dynamic development process of the breakthrough shear is achieved. It is also pointed out that the surface of slope body at the side of dump has different deformation laws in the whole stage of landslide. By means of field sampling and indoor similarity simulation, the temporal and spatial evolution of the structure of slope failure particle size in the dump under different rainfall conditions was studied. Under the different rainfall intensity, the grain loss law of the dump slope will go through different stages, for the smaller rainfall intensity, the slope surface will go through the fine particle loss stage and the runoff stage. When the rainfall intensity is heavy rain, the dump slope will go through fine particle loss stage, slip and shallow erosion stage and runoff stage, and for extreme rainstorm condition, the dump slope will go through particle loss stage. Sliding and shallow erosion stage, runoff stage and unstable failure stage, and under the same rainfall conditions, the upper part of different parts of the dump is more serious than the lower part. Finally, by analyzing the relationship between landslide deformation information and rainfall, an early warning model based on unequal period loading / unloading response ratio is proposed. The analysis results show that the early warning model can not only reduce the computational cost but also avoid the loss of key response features. And then play the role of timely and accurate warning.


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