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发布时间:2018-07-13 11:47
【摘要】:中国是世界上最大的煤炭生产国和煤炭消费国,同时也是煤矿安全事故死亡率最高的国家。近年来在中央政府出台一系列煤矿安全生产法律法规政策的背景下,中国煤矿安全事故发生率和死亡率虽有所下降,但仍远高于世界主要产煤国家的矿难伤亡水平,并且重特大安全事故依然时有发生,中国煤矿安全生产形势不容乐观。同时,规制俘获现象在煤矿安全规制实践中普遍存在,是导致国家煤矿安全法律法规难以有效落实进而矿难频发的重要原因。因此立足我国具体国情,系统深入地研究煤矿安全规制俘获问题,剖析其形成机理、实证研究其影响并探析其治理路径对于防范煤矿安全规制俘获发生,提高煤矿安全规制效果,扭转我国严峻的煤矿安全生产形势,促进煤炭行业健康发展具有重要意义,这也是本文研究的根本出发点和落脚点。本文对中国煤矿安全规制俘获问题的研究主要包括四个组成部分:第一,系统阐释中国煤矿安全规制俘获的形成机理;第二,安全规制俘获对煤矿安全水平的影响机理与实证研究;第三,衡量和评价安全规制俘获对煤炭行业TFP增长的影响并进一步探讨煤炭行业发展方式转变;第四,煤矿安全规制俘获问题的治理研究。以上四部分内容构成了本文四个核心章节,各核心章节的主要内容和研究结论如下:第3章借鉴Tirole(1986)提出的PSA分析框架,构建并系统论述了中国煤矿安全规制实践中存在的"中央政府(委托人)-地方政府(监督者)-煤矿企业(代理人)"双层委托代理结构框架。在此基础上详细剖析了中国煤矿安全规制俘获形成的理论机制:一方面,为了提高煤炭产出和增加利润,煤矿企业缺乏激励遵从安全规制;另一方面,在现有的财政分权体制和政治升迁机制下,追求经济利益和政治晋升利益的地方政府为了避免安全规制对地区经济增长、财政收入、就业人口产生负面冲击,往往缺乏充分的激励严格执行煤矿安全规制。由于煤矿安全事故具有偶发性、中央与地方之间存在广泛信息不对称问题,加上中央政府惩罚机制不完善、新闻媒体舆论监督乏力、矿工监督机制缺失等外在约束弱化,于是煤矿企业与地方政府有激励进行合谋。煤矿企业积极进行规制俘获活动,向地方政府官员直接提供贿赂资金、煤矿干股等经济利益输送或者利用其承担的政策性负担(例如促进当地GDP增长、贡献财税收入、吸纳就业等)游说地方政府。地方政府则放松对煤矿企业开采的行政许可审批和安全生产日常监管,默许纵容企业安全投入不足、进行超设计能力和安全保障能力开采等违法违规行为,甚至在发生矿难后帮助企业隐瞒矿工伤亡情况,导致规制俘获发生,各类煤矿安全事故难以有效杜绝。第4章系统剖析了煤矿安全规制俘获对煤矿安全水平的影响机理,在此基础上通过搜集2001-2011年中国25个主要产煤地区的各类矿难死亡人数数据,使用专门分析非负离散型计数数据的负二项回归方法实证研究了安全规制俘获对矿难伤亡水平的影响,同时也检验了地方政府财权事权不匹配度、煤矿安全投入、矿工素质、产权结构、媒体监督、煤矿安全监察机构独立性等因素对矿难伤亡水平的影响。研究结果表明,规制俘获对煤矿安全生产形势造成了显著负面影响,且该负面影响在煤炭产值占GDP比重较高的地区更加突出,而在体制环境较完善的地区得以减弱。此外,研究还发现,缩小地方政府财权事权不匹配程度、加大煤矿安全投入、提高矿工素质、增强安全监察机构的独立性等均对于遏制矿难具有一定作用,而媒体舆论监督的作用并不显著。第5章基于方向性距离函数构建了 Malmquist-Luenburger生产率指数,分别对安全规制和规制俘获两种情形下各地区煤炭行业的TFP增长率进行了测算和评价,并通过将生产率指数进一步分解为技术进步指数和技术效率变化指数考察推动TFP增长的主要源泉,在此基础上分析了规制俘获对煤炭行业TFP增长的影响。研究结果显示:两种情形下煤炭行业TFP增长均由技术进步推动,技术效率则出现不同程度的恶化,利用技术效率改善来提升TFP增长率存在着较大改进空间。东部地区煤炭行业TFP增长率普遍高于中西部地区,技术进步率的差异是导致区域间TFP增长差异的主要原因。与安全规制情形下TFP增长相比,规制俘获使得煤炭行业技术进步率提高的同时技术效率增长率下降,由于技术进步率提高幅度大于技术效率增长率下降幅度,于是在规制俘获情形下煤炭行业能够实现更高的TFP增长率,并且规制俘获对中西部地区煤炭行业TFP增长的影响更大。这从宏观层面上解释了煤炭行业以牺牲煤矿安全换取快速发展的原因。此外,本章将TFP增长对煤炭行业增长的贡献份额作为煤炭行业发展方式的衡量指标并进行系统评价,发现TFP增长对煤炭行业增长的贡献份额平均仅有33.41%,远低于资本和劳动投入的贡献份额。表明煤炭行业发展过分依赖资本、劳动等要素投入,TFP增长的作用十分有限,煤炭行业发展方式呈现出"高投入、高事故率、低效率"的粗放和外延型特征,煤炭行业转变发展方式、提升发展质量势在必行。据此本章进一步探析了煤炭行业转变发展方式的实现路径,为煤炭行业实现安全高效可持续发展提出具有针对性的政策建议。第6章分析了煤矿安全监察机构独立性提高和安全规制周期对煤矿安全规制俘获的影响机理并提出研究假说,基于2001年1月至2010年8月期间的相关月度数据,使用马尔科夫区制转换向量自回归模型(MS-VAR)进行实证研究发现:(1)煤矿安全监察机构独立性增强有助于降低规制俘获发生概率,表现为规制波动水平出现了结构性变化,由高规制波动状态向低规制波动状态转变,波动幅度明显下降,在一定程度上提高了煤矿安全规制效果。(2)安全规制周期对煤矿安全生产水平产生了周期性影响,表现在全国"两会"、党代会、春节等对安全事故较为敏感的特殊时期,矿难发生起数和伤亡人数显著下降。煤矿安全水平的提高并非通过减少煤炭产量实现,而是地方政府强化安全规制执法的结果,表明安全规制周期能够周期性地影响规制俘获发生概率。最后借鉴美国煤矿安全规制经验,从安全规制职能重配与机构调整、安全规制机构人员异地交流、安全规制信息公开、安全规制模式转变四个方面进一步探寻防范煤矿安全规制俘获问题、促进煤矿安全水平提高的长效机制。本文可能的创新点主要体现在:(1)以新规制经济学的规制俘获理论为理论基础,结合转型期中国具体国情,对中国煤矿安全规制俘获的形成机理、影响与治理展开了系统研究,在一定程度上丰富了发展中国家社会性规制领域中规制俘获问题研究。(2)根据国家安全生产监督管理局网站手工搜集整理了主要产煤地区的矿难死亡人数(含失踪人数)数据,实证研究了规制俘获对煤矿安全水平产生的影响,并进一步探讨了这一影响在煤炭产值占GDP比重不同的地区以及制度环境不同地区之间存在的差异情况。此外检验了已有文献关于矿难频发的多个理论假说,为解答中国矿难频发之谜提供了实证依据。(3)尝试将Malmquist-Luenberger生产率指数应用于煤炭行业TFP增长研究,通过设定不同方向性距离函数构建Malmquist-Luenberger生产率指数,测算和评价了安全规制和规制俘获两种情形下各地区煤炭行业的TFP增长率以及技术进步率和技术效率增长率,并对煤炭行业发展方式进行了考察。(4)使用MS-VAR模型刻画了中国煤矿安全规制体制改革背景下规制波动存在的结构性变化,检验了煤矿安全监察机构独立性提高对于防范规制俘获的作用,同时分析了安全规制周期对规制俘获产生的周期性影响。此外,本文提出了一套规制俘获治理方案,包括规制职能重配与机构调整、规制机构人员异地交流、规制信息公开、规制模式转变四个方面。
[Abstract]:China is the largest coal producer and consumer country in the world, and it is also the country with the highest mortality rate in coal mine safety accidents. In recent years, in the context of a series of coal mine safety laws and regulations issued by the central government, the incidence and mortality of coal mine safety accidents in China have declined, but it is still far higher than the main coal production in the world. The level of casualties in the country and the serious accidents still occur. The situation of the safety production in China's coal mines is not optimistic. At the same time, the phenomenon of regulation capture is common in the practice of coal mine safety regulation, which is an important reason that causes the national coal mine safety laws and regulations to be difficult to be effectively implemented in the coal mine. Therefore, it is based on our country. It is of great significance to systematically study the capture of coal mine safety regulation, analyze its formation mechanism, and study its influence and explore its management path to prevent the coal mine safety regulation capture, improve the effect of coal mine safety regulation, reverse the serious production potential of coal mine and promote the healthy development of the coal industry. This is also the fundamental starting point and the foothold of this paper. The research on the capture of coal mine safety regulation in China mainly consists of four parts: first, it systematically explains the formation mechanism of the capture of coal mine safety regulation in China; second, the mechanism and Empirical Study of the impact of the safety regulation capture on the safety of coal mine; third, measurement and evaluation. The impact of the price safety regulation capture on the TFP growth of the coal industry and further discuss the transformation of the coal industry development mode; fourth, the research on the governance of the coal mine safety regulation capture problem. The above four parts constitute the four core chapters of this paper, the main contents of the core chapters and the research conclusions are as follows: the third chapter draws on the PS proposed by (1986). A analysis framework, construction and systematic exposition of the Chinese coal mine safety regulation practice in the practice of "central government (principal) - local government (supervisor) - coal mine enterprise (agent)" double decker agency framework. On this basis, the theoretical mechanism of the formation of coal mine safety rules in China is analyzed in detail: on the one hand, in order to improve coal production On the other hand, under the existing fiscal decentralization system and political promotion mechanism, local governments, in the current fiscal decentralization and political promotion mechanism, have a negative impact on regional economic growth, financial income and employment, and often lack full excitation. Because of the occasional occurrence of coal mine safety accidents, there is a widespread information asymmetry between the central and local areas, the central government's punishment mechanism is not perfect, the supervision of the press media is weak, the miner supervision mechanism is weak, and the coal mining enterprises and local governments are encouraged to cooperate. Coal mining enterprises actively regulate capture activities, direct local government officials to provide direct bribery funds, coal mine dry stocks and other economic benefits to transport or use the policy burden (such as promoting local GDP growth, contributing financial and tax revenue, absorbing employment, etc.) to lobby local governments. Local governments relax the administration of mining enterprises. License approval and daily safety production supervision, acquiesce to indulge inadequacy of enterprise safety input, carry out illegal activities such as super design ability and safety protection ability, and even help enterprises to hide miners' casualties after the occurrence of mine disaster, which leads to the occurrence of regulation capture, and the fourth chapters are systematically dissecting. The influence mechanism of coal mine safety regulation capture on the safety level of coal mine is carried out. On this basis, by collecting data of all kinds of mine disaster deaths in 25 major coal producing areas in China for 2001-2011 years, the influence of safety regulation capture on the casualty level of mine disaster is empirically studied by using the negative two regression methods that specializes in the analysis of non negative discrete count data. The influence of local government financial power mismatch, coal mine safety input, miner quality, property right structure, media supervision, and the independence of coal mine safety supervision organization on the casualty level of mine disaster. The results show that the regulation capture has a significant negative impact on the coal mine safety production situation, and the negative effect is in coal production. The areas with higher proportion of GDP are more prominent, and the areas with more perfect institutional environment have been weakened. In addition, the study also found that reducing the degree of mismatch between the power of the local government, increasing the safety input of the coal mine, improving the quality of the miners, and strengthening the independence of the safety supervision organization have a certain effect on the containment of the mine disaster, and the media public opinion The role of supervision is not significant. In the fifth chapter, the Malmquist-Luenburger productivity index is constructed based on the directional distance function, and the TFP growth rate of the coal industry in each region is calculated and evaluated respectively under the two situations of safety regulation and regulation capture, and the productivity index is decomposed into technical progress index and technical efficiency by one step. The main source of TFP growth is examined by the change index. On this basis, the effect of regulation capture on the growth of TFP in the coal industry is analyzed. The results show that the growth of TFP in the coal industry is promoted by the technological progress in the two cases, and the technical efficiency is deteriorated in different degrees. The improvement of the technology efficiency improves the growth rate of the TFP. The TFP growth rate of the coal industry in the eastern region is generally higher than that in the central and western regions. The difference in the rate of technological progress is the main reason for the difference in the growth of TFP between regions. Compared with the TFP growth under the safety regulation, the regulation capture makes the technological progress rate of the coal industry improve at the same time, and the technological progress is reduced, because of the technological progress. The rate of increase is greater than the decline in the growth rate of technical efficiency, so the coal industry can achieve a higher TFP growth rate under the regulation of capture, and the regulation capture has a greater impact on the TFP growth of the coal industry in the central and western regions. This explains the reasons for the rapid development of coal industry in exchange for coal mine safety. In addition, this chapter takes the contribution share of TFP growth to the coal industry growth as a measure index of the coal industry development mode and carries out systematic evaluation. It is found that the share of the contribution of TFP growth to the coal industry growth is only 33.41%, far below the contribution share of capital and labor input. The role of TFP growth is very limited. The development mode of coal industry presents the extensive and extensive features of "high investment, high accident rate and low efficiency". It is imperative for the coal industry to change the way of development and improve the quality of development. Accordingly, this chapter further probes into the way to realize the transformation of the coal industry and realize the safety of the coal industry. The sixth chapter analyzes the influence mechanism of the independent improvement of the coal mine safety supervision organization and the safety regulation cycle on the capture of the coal mine safety regulation and puts forward the research hypothesis. Based on the relative monthly degree of the period from January 2001 to August 2010, the Markoff region system is used to transform the vector self back. The empirical study of the return model (MS-VAR) shows that: (1) the enhancement of the independence of the coal mine safety supervision organization helps to reduce the probability of the regulation capture, showing the structural changes in the regulation fluctuation level, the change from the high regulation fluctuation to the low regulation and the fluctuation range, and to a certain extent, the coal mine safety regulations have been improved. (2) the cycle of safety regulation has a periodic effect on the safety production level of coal mine, which is manifested in the special period of "two meetings", the Party Congress, the Spring Festival and other sensitive accidents. The number of mine accidents and the number of casualties have decreased significantly. The elevation of the safety level of the coal mine is not realized by reducing the coal production, but the local government. The result of strengthening the law enforcement of safety regulation indicates that the cycle of safety regulation can affect the probability of regulation capture periodically. In the end, we learn from the experience of the coal mine safety regulation in the United States, from four aspects: the redistribution of the safety regulation function and the institutional adjustment, the exchange of the personnel in the safety regulation institution, the disclosure of safety regulation and the change of the safety regulation mode. The possible innovation points of this paper are as follows: (1) based on the theory of regulation capture of new regulation economics and the specific national conditions in China, the formation mechanism of coal mine safety regulation, influence and governance of coal mine safety regulation are carried out. Systematic research, to a certain extent, enriches the study of regulation capture in the field of social regulation in developing countries. (2) according to the website of the national safety production supervision and Administration Bureau, the data of the number of dead people (including the missing persons) in the main coal producing areas are collected and collated, and the shadow of the regulation capture to the safety level of the coal mines is studied. Sound, and further discuss the difference between the areas with different coal production value in GDP proportion and the different areas of the system environment. In addition, the existing literature on the multiple theoretical hypotheses about the frequent occurrence of mine disaster has been tested to provide evidence for solving the riddle of China's frequent mining difficulties. (3) try to produce Malmquist-Luenberger. The rate index is applied to the TFP growth research in the coal industry. By setting up the different directional distance function to construct the Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index, the TFP growth rate, the technological progress rate and the technological efficiency growth rate of the coal industry in each area under the two situations of safety regulation and regulation capture are calculated and evaluated, and the development mode of the coal industry is also made. (4) (4) using the model to describe the structural changes of regulation fluctuation in the background of the reform of China's coal mine safety regulation system, the role of the independent improvement of the coal mine safety supervision institution to prevent the capture of regulation is examined, and the periodic effect of the safety regulation cycle on the regulation capture is also analyzed. A set of regulations on the regulation of captive governance has been developed, including four aspects: regulation function redistribution and institutional adjustment, regulatory agency personnel exchange, regulation information disclosure, and regulation mode transformation.


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