[Abstract]:The production of open pit mine needs the coordination of various departments, and ore transportation is the most important production link. With the development of mining process, the distance and time of ore transportation will increase, and the transportation cost will rise accordingly. At the same time, there are some problems in truck production and scheduling, such as unreasonable planning of transportation scheme, large workload of dispatching, and untimely adjustment of train routes, all of which are restricting the improvement of production efficiency. Under the severe economic situation of mining enterprises, the truck dispatching system is constructed by using the technology of Internet of things and wireless communication technology. Through the scheduling algorithm model, the unit production capacity is maximized and the production cost is reduced. It is an effective way to improve the economic benefits of mining enterprises. In this paper, a truck dispatching system is constructed by using 4G mobile terminal RFID tag according to the actual production demand of the enterprise through deep understanding of the production process in open pit mine production environment. By using wideband wireless communication technology and TCP as transmission and connection mode, the related scheduling model algorithm is designed as the basis of scheduling, which realizes the high efficiency and reliability of automatic scheduling. By optimizing the road network, the road network model is established, and the influencing factors of truck dispatching are analyzed. Then, by analyzing the relationship between the factors, using the scheduling algorithm to establish the vehicle flow planning model under the condition of multi-objective optimization, the detailed route of the optimal scheduling is realized. The practical application value of the scheduling system is improved by testing and improving the model and algorithm. Finally, the scheduling model is programmed by Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server 2008, and the truck scheduling system is established, and the test optimized system is deployed to the production enterprise. After the contrast test before and after use, the system basically achieved the expected effect and can guide production well.
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