[Abstract]:Hartley transform is a real field transformation method. Fourier transform is a complex domain transformation method. The bit-field data is a real number, so it can be used directly for Hartley transform, but the Fourier transform needs to convert the real number to the complex number to use, which reduces the efficiency. In this paper, Hartley transform and Fourier transform are compared and studied by sorting out the definitions, properties, computational complexity of the fast algorithm and the frequency response in the data processing and conversion of the potential field. By comparing the properties of Hartley transform, it is shown that the frequency response is twice as much as that of complex Fourier transform, but is equivalent to that of real Fourier transform. The results of theoretical model test and practical data processing show that the calculation accuracy of Hartley transform and Fourier transform in data processing and conversion of potential field is the same, and the calculation amount is basically the same. Therefore, Fourier transform is more advantageous than Hartley transform in processing and converting potential field data.
【作者单位】: 长安大学重磁方法技术研究所长安大学地质工程与测绘学院长安大学西部矿产资源与地质工程教育部重点实验室;
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