[Abstract]:In the process of close distance coal seam mining, when the upper coal mining is finished and the roof collapses behind, the coal pillars left in the upper coal mining process will produce stress concentration in the coal seam floor, and the stress distribution law of the floor will change. It directly affects the integrity of the lower coal seam roof. In the mining process of the lower coal, the surrounding rock pressure of the mining roadway is high and the roof stability is poor, which leads to the serious deformation and destruction of the roadway and the difficulty of supporting. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the stress distribution law of the coal in the middle and lower coal layers, the surrounding rock pressure, failure characteristics and stability control of the roadway in different positions of the lower coal seam. In this paper, based on the research background of Jialequan Coal Mine No. 8 #yun9# coal seam mining, combined with theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and engineering application, the distribution law of coal pressure in the near distance coal seam is studied. The deformation and failure characteristics of roadway in different positions of lower coal and the stability control of roadway surrounding rock are studied. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the influence law of disturbance caused by mining of upper coal seam on rock layer under coal seam is analyzed by using slip line field theory. The method of calculating the maximum damage depth of upper coal mining to the lower strata is obtained. Combined with the actual geological conditions of Jialequan Coal Mine, the stress distribution law of different depths in the goaf is obtained by calculation. The results show that the vertical stress of the lower coal is the most affected by the mining disturbance of the overlying coal seam, the vertical stress of the lower strata within 5 m of the pillar and its two sides is greater than that of the original rock, and the maximum value is at the center of the coal pillar. The vertical stress of the lower strata beyond 5m on both sides of the coal pillar is smaller than that of the original rock. (2) with the reduction of the distance between the strata under the pillar and the upper coal pillar, the vertical stress of the strata increases obviously, reaching the maximum of 16 MPA, which is 2.56 times of the original rock stress. After excavation, the horizontal stress and shear stress of the surrounding rock change little, but the vertical stress increases obviously, and increases by 1.4 to 1.7 times, and the stress concentration in the surrounding rock of the roadway is obvious. The maximum vertical stress of roadway surrounding rock under goaf is 9 MPA, and the maximum vertical stress of surrounding rock under coal pillar is up to 25 MPA. (3) the roadway below the goaf in the lower coal is affected by the pressure relief of overlying goaf, and the pressure of surrounding rock at two sides and two shoulders of roadway is reduced. The shear failure range of surrounding rock is small and the overall stability of roadway is better. However, after the lower coal roadway is excavated under the coal pillar, the shear failure range of the surrounding rock of the roadway increases obviously, especially the shear fracture of the surrounding rock on the two shoulders of the roadway is developed, especially the shear fracture of the surrounding rock on the two shoulders of the roadway. (4) based on the analysis of the distribution of surrounding rock and the stability of roadway, the parameters of roadway support under coal pillar in Jialequan coal mine are optimized. The engineering application and monitoring results show that the deformation of the roof and floor and the two sides of the roadway are obviously reduced, the stress range of anchor cable is reasonable, and the shear failure area of roadway is reduced, which indicates that the optimized roadway scheme has achieved good support effect. It ensures the safety and stability of roadway during use.
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