[Abstract]:A new type wall mounted coal bunker was designed in order to solve the problem that the bottom plate of the loading chamber of No. 214 coal bunker in Xiashijie coal mine expanded strongly under water and destroyed repeatedly. The coal bunker is constructed with I-beam, I-shaped steel silo body bracket and its fixed anchor cable, self-locking load-bearing anchor cable, etc. By using the surrounding rock of the coal bunker to bear the full weight of the coal bunker, the bearing structure of the coal chamber at the bottom of the coal bunker is removed. At the same time, advanced technology and new materials, such as electro-slag pressure welding, high-strength impact and wear-resisting material, are used to improve the whole technology level of wall mounted coal bunker, shorten the construction time of coal bunker, and reduce the construction and maintenance cost of coal feeding chamber. The field practice shows that the new type coal bunker is stable and reliable, with good technical and economic benefits, and has good application value under similar geological conditions.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室;陕西陕煤铜川矿业有限公司下石节煤矿;
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