[Abstract]:Focusing on digital mine construction and application demonstration research, this paper introduces new methods, such as 3s technology, 3D modeling technology, virtual reality technology and UAV remote sensing technology, into the construction of digital mine in prospecting base. In this paper, the integrated modeling and integration method system and technical process of multivariate information visualization and data management in digital mine are summarized and put forward, and the integrated management and analysis platform system of 3D digital mine is built. Organically fusing all kinds of data and data of mining area, realizing convenient interactive operation and comprehensive analysis, for the development and construction of mine, information integrated management, The comprehensive study of geological prospecting and the popularization of mine knowledge for the public provide a visual comprehensive research platform. As the application demonstration research of 3D digital mine modeling technology in prospecting scientific research base, the application demonstration is carried out with the prospecting scientific research base of Xiangshan River Yuanbei uranium mine area in Jiangxi province, and the simulation information system of double three dimensional digital mine is realized. This paper summarizes the method system and technical flow of digital 3D modeling for ore prospecting and scientific research base, which lays a foundation for the construction of other 3D digital mines in the future. Through demonstration research to achieve mine query, browse, provide support for mine management, production and scientific research services to provide a comprehensive platform, supplemented the system related to the mine science content, through new modeling methods and means, The establishment and display of dual three-dimensional model of digital mine are realized. The main achievements are as follows: (1) based on 3s technology, 3D modeling technology, virtual reality technology and other new technologies and new methods, the implementation scheme of the key technology of 3D visualization and data management integration is designed. This paper summarizes the method system and technical process of 3D modeling and system integration of ore prospecting base. (2) it adds the means of remote sensing of UAV to obtain surface image data innovatively. A small low-altitude UAV based on open source software integration has been developed independently. (3) taking Xiangshan uranium Mine area, Jiangxi Province as an example, the metallogenic geological background and geological characteristics of the deposit are summarized, and the geological and geological data of the mining area are collected and sorted out. Based on the 3D modeling technology of visualization and data management in digital mine, the simulation information system of digital mine in Xiangshan uranium mine area of Jiangxi province is established. The application demonstration research of 3D digital mine modeling method system has been carried out. (4) the comprehensive information content of digital mine has been collected, and a set of relatively comprehensive digital mine system has been established, which complements the related popular science content of mine in the system. The function module of generating 2D profile automatically based on 3D solid model is developed, the software platform is perfected, and the application field of system production, science and research is expanded.
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