[Abstract]:At present, a variety of active and passive sources Rayleigh wave exploration methods play an increasingly important role in near-surface detection, using Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion can obtain near surface shear wave velocity information. But the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion problem is a highly nonlinear global optimization problem. In order to mitigate the risk of falling into the local optimal solution, a new global optimization method, shuffle breaststroke algorithm, is introduced into the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion. Shuffling breaststroke algorithm is an intelligent optimization algorithm, which can solve the optimization problem by simulating the foraging behavior of frog population. It has the advantages of fast calculation speed, few parameters to be adjusted and strong global optimization ability. In order to test the reliability and computational ability of the shuffling breaststroke algorithm, a four-layer theoretical model with no noise and noise is first inversed. Then, the noise-free data is used to compare the shuffle breaststroke algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm. Finally, the actual data are retrieved to test the practicability of the shuffling breaststroke algorithm. The test results of theoretical stratigraphic model and actual data show that the shuffling breaststroke algorithm can effectively explain Rayleigh wave dispersion curve, converge speed, and the inversion accuracy is better than classical particle swarm optimization algorithm and improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. It has great potential for development.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(华东);华北油田友信勘探开发公司;
【基金】:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41374123)
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