内蒙古煤炭 供应链金融模式研究.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
内蒙古大学硕士学位论文内蒙古煤炭供应链金融模式研究姓名:吴茂华申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:雷立钧201110AbstractARer refom and opening up,especially in the new ce唧,China’s SMEscontinue to grow,has e China’s national economic a11d social deVelopment ofanimpoIrtant force in economic prosperi够,increase employment,promote iIlIloVation,improVe people’s liVelihood,etc.,play an increasi儿gly important role.Ho、VeVer,thefinancing of SMEs receiVed finallcial support from戗1eir national economic a11d socialdevelopment in the status and role of the extremely disproporrtionate.Financing as aconstraint to the deVelopment of SMEs in China me biggest bottleneck.Part of the supply work,is to stren昏hen arld close cooperation betⅥ陀enballl(s and ente叩rises the way,caJl effectiVely solVe the financial problems in thesupply chain. Because the bank-ente印rise supply chain alliaIlce, the balll(caIlef-f色ctiVely monitor t}le operation of the entire supply chain,reduce也e bankIs credit“sk;pla...