[Abstract]:In order to deeply understand the mechanism of rock burst in deep roadway, a rock burst simulation test system equipped with elastic energy storage module was developed to test four lithologic models (175mm 脳 175mm 脳 200mm) containing precast circular roadway (桅 = 175mm 脳 200mm). By adjusting the initial stress level and loading rate, the rock burst events of different lithologic roadways are reproduced. In the course of the test, the whole process of surrounding rock failure of roadway is monitored and recorded in real time by using high speed camera system, and the process and mechanism of rock burst in roadway are analyzed and discussed in combination with the characteristics of failure. The results show that the failure process of roadway consists of static failure, dynamic and static failure, dynamic failure and dynamic failure. In this paper, the failure process of four kinds of rock mass is divided into stages, the mechanism of rock burst in different mechanical properties is revealed, and the time and space distribution characteristics of rock burst are analyzed. It is found that the supplement of external energy is a necessary and insufficient condition for the occurrence of rockburst. The recurrence of rockburst disaster process of rock mass with R1 strength and low elastoplastic mechanics characteristics provides a new understanding for the research on the process and mechanism of rock burst catastrophe in low strength loose coal roadway with high supporting strength. It is suggested that the study of rock burst in weak (loose) rock mass should focus on surrounding rock structure. The research and development of elastic energy storage module provide new ideas and cognition for the research of rock burst mechanism in deep underground engineering.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室力学与土木工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51374198,51374199,51504247) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXZZ11-0297)
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