[Abstract]:With the progress of optical imaging technology and the improvement of computing level, the price of imaging and computing equipment has been greatly reduced, optical imaging and image processing technology has been greatly improved and widely used. In this paper, the optical imaging technology and image processing technology are used to realize the on-line sorting of coal gangue, and a set of online image acquisition and processing system of coal gangue is designed. The research of this subject can realize the intelligent separation of coal and gangue, liberate the gangue workers from the bad environment, reduce the loss of water resources, improve the quality of clean coal and reduce air pollution, which has certain application value. The research on image sorting of coal and gangue is divided into three parts according to its function: image acquisition, image transmission and image processing. The realization mainly includes optical circuit, CCD (Charge-coupled Device, optical coupler) sequential circuit, level conversion circuit, image buffer transmission circuit, DSP (Digital Signal Processor, digital signal processor) image processing and recognition and sorting algorithm. The linear CCD is used as the photosensitive element, the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array, field programmable gate array is used as the main control device to complete the timing drive of the imaging part, and the double RAM (Random Access Memory, random read memory) ping-pong operation is used to realize the seamless transmission of the image. DSP is used for image processing and each device works together to separate coal and gangue. The CCD image acquisition circuit and emitter follower circuit are designed on the basis of defining the overall architecture of the system. Analog-to-digital conversion circuit, FPGA minimum system circuit, SRAM (Static Random Access Memory, static random read memory) ping-pong buffer circuit, DSP backboard circuit and the power supply part of the whole circuit. Linear CCD sequence, A / D (analog / digital) timing, A / D timing, SRAM storage timing, C language are used to write image processing program and classifier program, and C language is used to write computer image recognition result display program. In this paper, the internal structure and imaging principle of CCD are analyzed, and the timing driver and image signal correlation double sampling method of CCD are studied to realize the real-time, high speed and high quality acquisition of coal and gangue images. In addition, a set of two pieces of SRAM ping-pong buffer image transmission circuit is designed. Two pieces of SRAM time-sharing operation are used to realize the real-time seamless transmission of gangue images between FPGA and DSP. Aiming at the separation of coal and gangue, this paper adds multi-texture features on the basis of image gray value feature recognition, and uses gray level co-occurrence matrix quadratic calculation to extract texture features such as entropy, second moment energy value, contrast, autocorrelation and other texture features, such as entropy, second-order moment energy value, contrast, autocorrelation and so on. Finally, the Fisher classifier is trained by sample data to complete the final recognition of coal and gangue. Image denoising and segmentation algorithms and classifier algorithms used in the subject are programmed in C language in the compiling environment of DSP.
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