[Abstract]:This topic is to transform the PLC control system of heavy medium suspension in Huangling No. 2 Coal preparation Plant. At present, the electrical control system of heavy medium suspension has matured gradually after many years of development, from traditional control instrument control to PLC control. In this paper, a PLC control system is developed to control the density and magnetic content of suspension simultaneously. It is of great significance to improve the qualified rate of the product and reduce the production cost. In this paper, several variables are analyzed in the process of suspension control, and the corresponding variables of density and magnetic content are analyzed and treated. The difficulty of suspension control is reduced, and the fluctuation range of suspension becomes smaller. The hardware functions, advantages and disadvantages of the suspension control system in various coal preparation plants are analyzed. The hardware design of the suspension control system is made by combining the field practice and considering the economic input. The PID algorithm control of density and magnetic variables is deeply analyzed. The dynamic characteristics of the control object are taken into account in the tuning of PID parameters. The differential algorithm is not used, but the PI control law is used in practice. According to the field process and worker's experience, the value of PU I in the process of control regulation is given. The program is simple in design, friendly in interface and easy to operate. After six months of industrial experiment, the modified suspension PLC control system can run normally according to the requirements, the qualified rate of the product is increased from 85% to 98%, and the production cost is reduced by more than 800,000 yuan.
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