[Abstract]:Oil and natural gas play an important role in the development of national economy, but they are non-renewable resources. As an effective means to explore underground oil and gas resources, seismic exploration has developed gradually with the acceleration of the search for underground oil and gas resources. In the process of collecting seismic exploration records, strong random noise is often mixed in, so it is difficult to identify the effective signals in seismic data by reducing the signal to noise ratio (SNR),) of the data, which seriously affects the accurate imaging and inversion of underground structures. Therefore, it is very important to suppress the random noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data. The time-frequency peak filter (time-frequency peak filtering,TFPF) can recover the effective signal better at lower SNR. The unbiased estimation condition of the algorithm is that the processed signal is a linear signal. In order to satisfy the linear condition, using the lateral continuity of seismic data, the space-time TFPF filtering along the same phase axis is constructed. Because the space-time filtering track is consistent with the in-phase axis and the signal on the filtered rail is approximately linear, the space-time TFPF can keep the effective signal amplitude well in the process of suppressing the random noise in strong seismic exploration. However, the time-frequency peak filtering usually uses fixed filtering track to process seismic exploration records, but the in-phase axis distribution is complex and the shape is irregular in the actual seismic exploration records. The time-frequency peak filtering with fixed filtering trajectory model and parameters is not ideal for the irregular in-phase axis and can not preserve the important structural characteristics such as the edge of the in-phase axis and the endpoints. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a filtering rail line model in accordance with the in-phase axis structure and adjust the TFPF window function according to the characteristics of the in-phase axis structure. In order to solve the problem that the track line can not exactly match with the cophase axis in spatio-temporal TFPF filtering, a structure-guided time-frequency peak filtering algorithm is proposed to suppress random noise in seismic exploration. The method measures the seismic exploration data structure with the minimum absorption kernel (SUSAN) operator which has the ability to resist noise, and identifies the edge and endpoint features of the in-phase axis of seismic exploration records according to the detected structural features. On this basis, the space-time filtering rail line is constructed based on the signal structure feature, which makes the filtering rail line consistent with the in-phase axis shape, and resamps the seismic cophase axis along the filtering rail line and carries out time-frequency peak filtering. Because of the higher linearity of resampling signal, it is advantageous to keep the signal feature. In addition, a structure-oriented window function selection method is proposed, in which the traditional symmetrical window function is used in the signal region, and the window length is small to ensure the signal recovery accuracy. The asymmetric window function is used at the endpoints of the same phase axis to filter in the direction of the signal to avoid blurring at the endpoints. In the noise region, the time-directional symmetric window function is adopted, and the window length is large, which can suppress the noise effectively and avoid the influence of noise spatial consistency. In this paper, the time-frequency peak filter guided by structure is applied to the processing of simulated seismic exploration records and actual common shot point seismic exploration records. The experimental results show that the proposed method can identify the structure of seismic data well under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio. Compared with the radial time-frequency peak filtering method, the structure-guided time-frequency peak filtering algorithm is more effective in suppressing random noise in seismic exploration. The continuity of the same phase axis is enhanced, and there is no ambiguity at the end of the same phase axis, so the whole seismic exploration record is better restored.
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