[Abstract]:"more, smaller, scattered, chaos" and weak production safety are the status quo in the long-term development of China's coal industry. Coal is not only an industrial problem, but also an economic problem, as well as a social and livelihood issue. In order to improve the concentration and level of coal industry, safe production and recovery rate of resources, the State Council issued a document "Circular on comprehensively rectifying and standardizing the order of Exploitation of Mineral Resources" in 2005. The release of document < notice > began the integration of China's coal resources. In the long-term development of Shanxi Province, coal resources have developed into a major coal province in China, making coal a pillar industry in Shanxi Province. Since the second half of 2008, The Shanxi Provincial Government has successively issued "opinions on the implementation of speeding up the merger and reorganization of Coal Enterprises", "the Plan for the Adjustment and Revitalization of Shanxi's Coal Industry" and other documents, and used administrative orders to forcibly integrate coal resources throughout the province. Although the integration of Shanxi coal resources has been completed, the experience and lessons of Shanxi integration can be used for reference by other provinces. In this paper, the public policy implementation at home and abroad, public policy implementation deviation of the relevant literature for reference, public policy implementation and public policy implementation deviation is defined, the selection of public choice theory, game theory, Grass-roots government collusion theory, cost-benefit theory as the theoretical basis, with the literature analysis method, case analysis method to understand Shanxi coal resources integration status, understanding, through the Shanxi coal resources integration of the main interests of analysis. Then the analysis of the interest changes between the main interests before and after the integration of its coal resources, combing, and with the case analysis explanation, the interests between the main interests of the main influence on the original relationship between the main bodies. The value orientation of different levels of government is different, and the change of interest affects its interests, which makes it "flexible" to apply policies for the sake of vital interests, resulting in deviation in policy implementation. The way to solve this problem is to establish a perfect system of resource property right, to institutionalize the integration of coal resources and to form a reasonable pattern of benefit distribution. Through the analysis of the relationship between the main bodies of interest in the integration of coal resources in Shanxi Province, and the study of the deviation of public policy implementation, the author tries to enrich the content of the theory of public policy deviation and make efforts to make efforts. It also provides solutions to the problems highlighted in the integration of coal resources in Shanxi Province, and can provide reference and help for the integration of coal resources in other provinces.
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