发布时间:2018-11-16 07:35
【摘要】:为了解某铜镍矿2~#矿区采空区群对1~#竖井稳定性影响情况,采用FLAC3D数值仿真模拟方法从应力、位移、塑性区等方面进行了分析,发现该竖井在近地表和550~700 m标高范围容易发生开裂和剥落。为了保证安全生产,采用钻孔应力计对1~#竖井稳定性进行了实时监测,很好地预防了事故发生。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the influence of goaf group on the stability of 1 # shaft in No. 2 copper and nickel mine, the stress, displacement and plastic zone were analyzed by FLAC3D numerical simulation method. It is found that the shaft is prone to crack and spalling in the near surface and 550 m elevation. In order to ensure the safety of production, the borehole stress meter is used to monitor the stability of 1 # shaft in real time.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院;
[Abstract]:In order to understand the influence of goaf group on the stability of 1 # shaft in No. 2 copper and nickel mine, the stress, displacement and plastic zone were analyzed by FLAC3D numerical simulation method. It is found that the shaft is prone to crack and spalling in the near surface and 550 m elevation. In order to ensure the safety of production, the borehole stress meter is used to monitor the stability of 1 # shaft in real time.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院;
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