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发布时间:2018-11-16 08:23
[Abstract]:With the development of mine digitization, 3D geological modeling technology has been applied in practice in mine. The combination of 3D visualization technology and operational research optimization theory provides convenience for mine mining plan and makes mine resource utilization rate higher. The development of mine enterprises can not be separated from the mining of ore. The rational drawing up of mining plan and the delineation of effective mining boundary can provide higher economic benefits for mining enterprises. This paper summarizes the present research situation of 3D geological body modeling at home and abroad and the present development of mine mining, compares the respective advantages of the related mining planning software at home and abroad, and selects the software suitable for the study area of this paper. The flow of 3D geological modeling method is discussed. The modeling methods based on surface model, volume model and mixed model are analyzed, and the models commonly used in three kinds of modeling methods are extracted. By comparing their principles and their own advantages and disadvantages, and summarizing the modeling methods suitable for borehole and profile data, after the 3D geological body model is established, the spatial analysis of the mine is carried out. The common methods of mine boundary design are expounded in this paper. This paper analyses the theory of traditional manual method in mine design, expounds three economic indexes of average stripping ratio, economical reasonable stripping ratio and boundary stripping ratio in manual method, and selects appropriate index parameters for mine boundary design. The shortcomings of traditional manual method are analyzed, and the definition and boundary principle of L-G graph theory method and floating cone method are analyzed. It is known that some special cases of floating cone method can not find the best boundary. The L-G graph theory method and floating cone method are selected to design the boundary of the study area, and the optimization theory and design flow of the boundary design are analyzed. Taking Panjiatian Iron Mine as an example, based on the collected data of Panjiatian Iron Mine, the geological database is established by using DATAMINE software based on section and borehole data, and the borehole and block model of the mine is constructed under different economic parameters. The mining design of mine is carried out by using L-G graph theory method and floating cone method, and the results are compared and analyzed. It can be seen that the stripping ratio of L-G graph theory method in boundary design is smaller than that of floating cone method. The method of graph theory is of high economic value. Finally, the L-G graph theory method is selected to provide four schemes for the design of mine boundary, and the optimal scheme is selected in combination with the parameters of the boundary mining design. It can be seen that the application of L-G graph theory can improve the utilization ratio of mine resources, reduce the mining cost, and provide guidance for mining plan.


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