发布时间:2018-11-22 08:23
【摘要】:在我国,一级能源和燃料的使用中,煤炭占据了很大比例。我国人民群众生活水平质量、社会经济水平和和谐社会的发展都与煤炭的安全高效生产具有十分紧密的关系。我国的煤炭资源大部分都深埋于地下,需要进行地下井工开采,但由于地质条件情况十分复杂,再加上现今的煤炭地下开采技术发展的缓慢以及矿上安全管理水平的落后,导致煤炭的开采成本高、难度大、且极具危险性,从而煤矿事故时有发生。然而,煤矿安全“六大系统”的出现不仅很大程度上降低了矿井发生事故后的人员死亡率,而且对井下事故发生起了很好的预警作用。 煤矿安全避险“六大系统”由下列六大部分组成:监测监控系统、人员定位系统、紧急避险系统、压风自救系统、供水施救系统和通信联络系统。这六个系统并非独立的子系统,而是紧密有机的联系在一起形成一个整体的系统。 自煤矿安全避险“六大系统”出现后,国内外专家学者对其的设计、安装、质量标准化、评价等作了很多研究,并且提出了很多新的研究方法。本文依据煤矿安全避险“六大系统”自身的特点,建立了一种经典的评价模型,即层次分析法—模糊综合评价模型。应用其对整个煤矿安全避险“六大系统”的系统安全可靠性进行评价。参照世界发达国家以及我国对煤矿安全避险“六大系统”完整性研究、质量标准化评分方法和各类安装、使用、维护要求,,本文避免了传统的安全检查表扣分后只得到“合格”或者“不合格”的两种结果,将煤矿安全避险“六大系统”的可靠性的评价结果化分为以下五个等级:Ⅰ级非常可靠、Ⅱ级比较可靠、Ⅲ级一般、Ⅳ级不太可靠、Ⅴ级很不可靠。 本文针对煤矿安全避险“六大系统”可靠性建立的模糊综合评价体系中共包含两层指标。第一层指标为事前预防系统(其中包括:监测监控系统、人员定位系统、通信联络系统);事后救援系统(包括:压风自救系统、供水施救系统、紧急避险系统)共六个;第二层指标为第一层指标(煤矿安全避险“六大系统”)下的六个子系统共34个。应用层次分析法分别来确定各指标的权重值,并且结合模糊综合评价学理论,利用上述所建立的层次分析法-模糊综合法评价模型对山西某集团国有大型煤矿进行实际评价。
[Abstract]:In China, coal accounts for a large proportion of primary energy and fuel use. The quality of life, the level of social economy and the development of harmonious society are closely related to the safe and efficient production of coal. Most of the coal resources in our country are buried underground, which requires underground mining. However, due to the very complicated geological conditions and the slow development of underground coal mining technology, the level of safety management is backward. As a result, coal mining cost is high, difficult, and extremely dangerous, thus coal mine accidents occur from time to time. However, the emergence of "six systems" of coal mine safety not only reduces the mortality rate of people after mine accidents to a great extent, but also plays a very good role in early warning of underground accidents. The "six systems" are composed of the following six parts: monitoring and monitoring system, personnel positioning system, emergency shelter system, air pressure rescue system, water supply rescue system and communication system. These six systems are not independent subsystems, but closely linked together to form a whole system. Since the emergence of "six systems" for coal mine safety and risk avoidance, experts and scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on its design, installation, quality standardization and evaluation, and put forward many new research methods. According to the characteristics of "six systems" in coal mine safety and risk avoidance, a classical evaluation model, that is, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) -fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, is established in this paper. It is used to evaluate the safety and reliability of the six systems. Referring to the research on the integrity of the "six systems" of coal mine safety and avoidance in developed countries and China, the quality standardization scoring method and the requirements for installation, use and maintenance of all kinds of coal mines, This paper avoids the two results of "qualified" or "unqualified" after deducting points from traditional safety inspection forms, and classifies the reliability evaluation results of "six major systems" of coal mine safety and hedge into the following five grades: grade I is very reliable. Grade 鈪
[Abstract]:In China, coal accounts for a large proportion of primary energy and fuel use. The quality of life, the level of social economy and the development of harmonious society are closely related to the safe and efficient production of coal. Most of the coal resources in our country are buried underground, which requires underground mining. However, due to the very complicated geological conditions and the slow development of underground coal mining technology, the level of safety management is backward. As a result, coal mining cost is high, difficult, and extremely dangerous, thus coal mine accidents occur from time to time. However, the emergence of "six systems" of coal mine safety not only reduces the mortality rate of people after mine accidents to a great extent, but also plays a very good role in early warning of underground accidents. The "six systems" are composed of the following six parts: monitoring and monitoring system, personnel positioning system, emergency shelter system, air pressure rescue system, water supply rescue system and communication system. These six systems are not independent subsystems, but closely linked together to form a whole system. Since the emergence of "six systems" for coal mine safety and risk avoidance, experts and scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on its design, installation, quality standardization and evaluation, and put forward many new research methods. According to the characteristics of "six systems" in coal mine safety and risk avoidance, a classical evaluation model, that is, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) -fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, is established in this paper. It is used to evaluate the safety and reliability of the six systems. Referring to the research on the integrity of the "six systems" of coal mine safety and avoidance in developed countries and China, the quality standardization scoring method and the requirements for installation, use and maintenance of all kinds of coal mines, This paper avoids the two results of "qualified" or "unqualified" after deducting points from traditional safety inspection forms, and classifies the reliability evaluation results of "six major systems" of coal mine safety and hedge into the following five grades: grade I is very reliable. Grade 鈪