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发布时间:2018-11-24 18:54
[Abstract]:It is an important prerequisite to prevent and cure mine internal fire by mastering the characteristic information of the dangerous area of coal spontaneous combustion. At present, the commonly used monitoring methods, such as safety monitoring, tube monitoring, manual detection and so on, are insufficient in monitoring area, monitoring accuracy and so on. In this paper, the emerging wireless communication technology in coal mine is taken as the research object, and the face side along the gob is studied separately. The research on the wireless communication performance of the three regions in the closed area and in the coal and rock mass media is of great significance to the development of wireless communication technology in underground coal mines. This paper first analyzes the wireless communication environment and transmission loss factors in the three dangerous areas of coal spontaneous combustion in goaf, closed area and roadway along the goaf, and obtains that the coal and rock mass media belong to the lossy medium. Electrical parameters and communication frequency are the main factors affecting wireless signal transmission. The transmission quality of electromagnetic signal is related to the electrical parameters of surrounding rock, the size of cross section, the inclination of tunnel wall and the degree of roughness, and is greatly affected by electromagnetic interference. The wireless communication attenuation model of coal and rock mass media and goaf roadway is established. The theoretical calculation shows that the communication frequency band must be less than 1 MHz when the skin depth of coal and rock mass is more than 5 m, and the cut-off frequency of wireless communication in goaf roadway is 291 MHz. According to the statistics of underground electromagnetic interference, the optimal selection frequency of wireless communication along goaf must be more than 500 MHz. Using MATLAB communication software, the communication performance of coal and rock mass media and roadway along goaf is simulated, and the quantitative relationship between attenuation coefficient of different communication frequency and effective communication distance is obtained. The quadratic function of attenuation coefficient, communication distance and frequency is obtained by fitting. The transmission distance and attenuation characteristics of four frequencies of 169MHz ~ 433MHz ~ 900MHz ~ 2. 4GHz have been tested in the goaf roadway and ground heap coal yard of 2303 face of Longgu Coal Mine. The accuracy of theoretical calculation has been verified.


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