[Abstract]:In order to make an objective and practical evaluation of the heavy metal pollution in the soil of Jindong Coal Mine in Xinjiang, the spatial distribution of heavy metals in cultivated land was studied by means of single factor, comprehensive pollution, Nemero pollution index and GIS. The characteristics of heavy metal enrichment and comprehensive pollution were analyzed. The comprehensive pollution evaluation of Hg,As,Cu,Ni,Cr,K,Pb,Zn (0~30cm) in the topsoil of mining area was carried out. The results showed that the single factor pollution evaluation showed that Ni,Cr,Pb was slightly polluted in the soil layer of 0 ~ 10cm ~ (10) cm ~ (-1) ~ (20) cm ~ (-1) ~ 20 cm ~ (-1) ~ The remaining elements of each soil layer were evaluated as clean; In the soil layer of 0-10 cm ~ (-1) ~ (-20) cm ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) Hg Nemero pollution assessment showed that each layer of Hg,As,K was heavily polluted, while the other elements were less polluted, and each layer was similar. The comprehensive pollution assessment indicated that the pollution degree of 0 ~ 10 cm ~ (-1) 10 ~ (10) ~ (20) cm soil layer was clean, and that of 20~30cm soil layer was mild pollution. The most polluted area in this study area is in the northwest of Wucaiwan Coal Mine, where many pollutants are accumulated and precipitated, while the pollution degree of Jiangmiao Coal Mine (southeast of the study area) is relatively light. This study is of great practical significance to formulate soil pollution control measures according to local conditions.
【作者单位】: 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院;新疆大学绿洲生态教育部重点实验室;新疆大学智慧城市与环境建模普通高校重点实验室;
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