发布时间:2018-11-27 19:31
【摘要】:为研究直墙半圆拱煤巷松动圈的分布规律,运用力学分析和应力波理论对松动圈形成机理进行了解释,以某矿11713回风巷为工程实例,采用Midas/GTS-FLAC~(3D)耦合模拟技术对松动圈形成过程进行了模拟,得出该类型巷道松动圈呈"蝴蝶"形,同时定义了数值模拟中松动圈厚度的计算方法。为验证模拟结果的可靠性,运用超声波测试法对该巷松动圈厚度进行了现场测定。结果表明:松动圈厚度实测值为1.8~2.0 m,与数值模拟得到的2.0 m非常接近,围岩类别为Ⅳ,巷道支护方式由U型棚支护改为锚联网支护,支护能有效控制围岩变形,可以在工程中推广应用。
[Abstract]:In order to study the distribution law of loose ring in vertical wall semi-circular arch coal roadway, mechanical analysis and stress wave theory are used to explain the formation mechanism of loosening ring. Taking 11713 return air tunnel of a mine as an engineering example, The forming process of loosening circle is simulated by Midas/GTS-FLAC~ (3D) coupling simulation technology. The loosening circle of this type of roadway is found to be "butterfly", and the calculation method of loosening ring thickness in numerical simulation is defined. In order to verify the reliability of the simulation results, the thickness of the loose ring in the roadway was measured by ultrasonic testing method. The results show that the measured value of loose ring thickness is 1.8m, which is very close to the value of 2.0 m obtained by numerical simulation, and the surrounding rock type is 鈪,
[Abstract]:In order to study the distribution law of loose ring in vertical wall semi-circular arch coal roadway, mechanical analysis and stress wave theory are used to explain the formation mechanism of loosening ring. Taking 11713 return air tunnel of a mine as an engineering example, The forming process of loosening circle is simulated by Midas/GTS-FLAC~ (3D) coupling simulation technology. The loosening circle of this type of roadway is found to be "butterfly", and the calculation method of loosening ring thickness in numerical simulation is defined. In order to verify the reliability of the simulation results, the thickness of the loose ring in the roadway was measured by ultrasonic testing method. The results show that the measured value of loose ring thickness is 1.8m, which is very close to the value of 2.0 m obtained by numerical simulation, and the surrounding rock type is 鈪,