发布时间:2018-11-29 11:39
【摘要】:近年来,我国经济的持续快速发展,对煤炭的需求量增多,因此,加大煤炭开采,以增加煤炭产量来满足日益增长的能源需要。地质构造与地应力场都是影响煤矿开采的重要地质因素,且地应力现场测试受诸多因素的影响而不能大量实测,测量结果也有一定程度的离散性。本文采用数值模拟方法,结合实测地应力值数据,模拟分析刘庄矿东三采区地应力场与地质构造之间的关系以及地应力场分布特征。论文取得以下成果: 1)从整体分析淮南煤田构造形成期次及古构造应力场进行分析,得出采区的构造格架是运动形成的结果。 2)对刘庄井田地层及煤层进行了简要的分析,并对其构造发育特征进行了详细的分析,并得出断层普遍发育,以正断层为主,占断层总数的97.54%;逆断层较少,仅为10条,占断层总数的2.46%。断层的走向具有明显的走向性,主要有北东向断层组合与北西向断层组合。断层的平面展布样式有放射状层系,如“入”字式构造、“Y”字式构造、网状式构造等;断层在剖面上的组合形式有:地堑、地垒和阶梯状断层组合。 3)在分析刘庄矿东三采区地质特征的基础上,运用FLAC3D数值软件建立了地质模型。通过数值模拟方法分析断层附近13-1煤层地应力场分布特征以及各岩性岩体地应力分布云图,得到以下结论:(1)断层中间出现应力卸载现象,在一定范围越远离断层应力值越大;(2)受地层岩性影响,同一深度地应力值不同。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the sustained and rapid development of China's economy, the demand for coal has increased. Therefore, increasing the coal mining in order to increase the coal production to meet the increasing energy needs. Geological structure and in-situ stress field are important geological factors affecting coal mining, and the in-situ test of in-situ stress can not be measured in large quantities due to the influence of many factors, and the measured results are discrete to a certain extent. In this paper, the relationship between in-situ stress field and geological structure and the distribution characteristics of in-situ stress field in Dong3 mining area of Liuzhuang Mine are simulated and analyzed by means of numerical simulation method and the measured data of in-situ stress value. The main achievements are as follows: 1) the tectonic framework of Huainan coalfield is obtained by analyzing the tectonic formation period and paleotectonic stress field of Huainan coalfield as a whole. It is concluded that the tectonic framework in the mining area is the result of the formation of the movement. 2) the stratigraphy and coal seam in Liuzhuang mine field are analyzed briefly, and the characteristics of structural development are analyzed in detail, and it is concluded that faults are generally developed, mainly normal faults, accounting for 97.54% of the total faults; There are only 10 reverse faults, accounting for 2.46% of the total faults. The strike of faults has obvious strike, mainly in NE fault combination and NW fault combination. The plane distribution patterns of faults include radial series, such as "entry" type, "Y" type, and reticular structure, etc. The fault assemblage forms on the section include graben, barrier and ladder fault assemblage. 3) based on the analysis of the geological characteristics of the No. 3 mining area in Liuzhuang Mine, the geological model is established by using the FLAC3D numerical software. By means of numerical simulation, the distribution characteristics of in-situ stress field in 13-1 coal seam near the fault and the cloud map of geostress distribution of each lithologic rock mass are analyzed. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) the phenomenon of stress unloading occurs in the middle of the fault. The stress value of the fault is larger as far away from the fault in a certain range. (2) the in-situ stress values of the same depth are different under the influence of stratigraphic lithology.
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the sustained and rapid development of China's economy, the demand for coal has increased. Therefore, increasing the coal mining in order to increase the coal production to meet the increasing energy needs. Geological structure and in-situ stress field are important geological factors affecting coal mining, and the in-situ test of in-situ stress can not be measured in large quantities due to the influence of many factors, and the measured results are discrete to a certain extent. In this paper, the relationship between in-situ stress field and geological structure and the distribution characteristics of in-situ stress field in Dong3 mining area of Liuzhuang Mine are simulated and analyzed by means of numerical simulation method and the measured data of in-situ stress value. The main achievements are as follows: 1) the tectonic framework of Huainan coalfield is obtained by analyzing the tectonic formation period and paleotectonic stress field of Huainan coalfield as a whole. It is concluded that the tectonic framework in the mining area is the result of the formation of the movement. 2) the stratigraphy and coal seam in Liuzhuang mine field are analyzed briefly, and the characteristics of structural development are analyzed in detail, and it is concluded that faults are generally developed, mainly normal faults, accounting for 97.54% of the total faults; There are only 10 reverse faults, accounting for 2.46% of the total faults. The strike of faults has obvious strike, mainly in NE fault combination and NW fault combination. The plane distribution patterns of faults include radial series, such as "entry" type, "Y" type, and reticular structure, etc. The fault assemblage forms on the section include graben, barrier and ladder fault assemblage. 3) based on the analysis of the geological characteristics of the No. 3 mining area in Liuzhuang Mine, the geological model is established by using the FLAC3D numerical software. By means of numerical simulation, the distribution characteristics of in-situ stress field in 13-1 coal seam near the fault and the cloud map of geostress distribution of each lithologic rock mass are analyzed. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) the phenomenon of stress unloading occurs in the middle of the fault. The stress value of the fault is larger as far away from the fault in a certain range. (2) the in-situ stress values of the same depth are different under the influence of stratigraphic lithology.
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