[Abstract]:In the process of uranium mining and production, a large amount of radioactive uranium-bearing wastewater is produced, which poses a serious threat to the ecological environment and human health. How to use economic and effective methods to treat radioactive wastewater, and even to recycle uranium and other heavy metals in the wastewater, is a nuclear environmental and safety problem that needs to be solved. The traditional physicochemical treatment method has certain effect on the removal of uranium in wastewater, but there are also some problems such as the high cost of adding chemicals, which are easy to cause secondary pollution and so on. Biological treatment, with the advantages of abundant raw materials, low cost, high treatment efficiency and no secondary pollution, has become a research hotspot in recent years. Shiva's bacteria can effectively remove heavy metal Cr (VI), Hg (II) and radioactive metal U (VI), Tc (VII) in wastewater. Therefore, Shiva has a broad prospect in the field of heavy metal ions and microbial remediation of radioactive metals. The study group studied the characteristics of reducing uranium by Alneda-Shiva 's bacteria. On this basis, the microspheres were prepared by using Alneda-Shiva bacteria as reducing microorganism and polyvinyl alcohol as the entrapment material, and the microspheres were prepared by using polyvinyl alcohol as the entrapment material, and the microspheres were prepared by using polyvinyl alcohol as the entrapment material. The optimum experimental conditions for the preparation of microspheres and the reduction properties of the encapsulated microspheres to uranium were studied. Taking the encapsulated microspheres as indexes, such as easy to form, stability and mass transfer, the optimum conditions for the preparation of polyvinyl alcohol encapsulated Alnaida Shiva microspheres were determined, that is, the concentration of polyvinyl alcohol was 10, the concentration of calcium chloride was 4 times, and the optimum conditions of preparing the microspheres were as follows: the concentration of polyvinyl alcohol was 10, and the concentration of calcium chloride was 4%. The crosslinking time is 4 h. The addition of 0.5% sodium alginate was beneficial to the preparation of encapsulated microspheres. The initial concentration of, U (VI) was 15 mg / L at pH 7.0, and the dosage of Alnaida Shiva was 6 mL. The removal rate of U (VI) by encapsulated microspheres was the highest (96.2222) after the embedding of Alneda-Shiva and polyvinyl alcohol at 1:2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that the appearance of damaged, U (VI) on the surface of the microspheres after the reduction of U (VI) was toxic to Alnaida Shiva, and crystal deposition was found on the surface and inside of the microspheres. After the reduction of U (VI) by embedded microspheres, the absorption peak of uranium appears in the spectrogram, and the binding energy is 3~4ke V. The crystal deposited in the encapsulated microsphere is the uranium deposit, which is reduced and deposited by, U (VI) embedded microsphere. Coexisting metal ions have different effects on the reduction of U (VI) by encapsulated microspheres, and Ca2 of 2mmol/L has a weak promoting effect on the reduction of U (VI) by embedded microspheres. 2mmol/L Mn2 and 2mmol/L Cu2 inhibited the reduction of U (VI) by encapsulated microspheres.
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