[Abstract]:Shenhua Group is a large comprehensive energy enterprise based on coal. At present, the development environment facing the energy industry, especially the coal industry, has undergone great changes. The Shenhua Group needs to examine the external environment and its own actual situation, carry out strategic planning, and clarify the future development direction. In order to win the initiative in the competition, promote the sustainable development of enterprises. Based on the analysis of the status quo, existing problems and internal and external environment of Shenhua Group, this paper studies and puts forward the development strategy choice, strategy and measures of Shenhua Group. With a view to the future development of Shenhua Group and other energy enterprises can benefit. There are seven parts: the first part introduces the research background, significance, ideas and methods. The second part studies and summarizes the related theories of strategic management. The third part introduces the general situation of Shenhua Group and analyzes the problems existing in the development. The fourth part analyzes the macro environment and market environment of Shenhua Group, and summarizes the opportunities and challenges. The fifth part analyzes and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of Shenhua Group, carries on the strategic comprehensive analysis and the strategic choice. The sixth part puts forward the future development ideas of Shenhua Group, determines the strategic goal of Shenhua Group, selects diversified industries, formulates business development strategies and puts forward safeguard measures. The seventh part summarizes the important conclusions of this paper.
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