[Abstract]:In order to effectively control the surrounding rock of deep roadway, it is necessary to study the spatial and temporal evolution of stress field in deep roadway. On the basis of field coring and laboratory tests, this paper makes a theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of the space-time evolution law of surrounding rock stress field in deep roadway, from which the mechanism of dynamic reinforcement and support of roadway is obtained. The effect of dynamic reinforcement support is verified by engineering practice. The results of theoretical analysis show that the stress peak point of surrounding rock continuously shifts to the interior of surrounding rock within a period of time after the first support of roadway, and once the peak strain exceeds the yield strain of surrounding rock, the rock mass will flow. The range of the fractured rock mass is continuously spreading to the deep surrounding rock. Taking Xinhu Coal Mine as an example, the calculation shows that the initial transfer speed of the peak point of surrounding rock is relatively fast, and the turning point appears at the 60th day, the peak point is at 6.96 m, and then the evolution velocity slows down. At the end of day 124.8, the peak point of surrounding rock basically stopped at 7.21 m. From the safety point of view, the timing of dynamic reinforcement support is 60 days after excavation. Further study shows that the stress of original rock, radius of roadway, angle of internal friction and lithology of surrounding rock will affect the timing of support. The supporting method is bolting, mesh and cable grouting. FLAC3D numerical simulation software is used to simulate the stress state and displacement change of the surrounding rock at different time points of tunnel excavation. The results also verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis results. In the 60 th day, bolting, mesh and cable injection and shotcreting are selected to support the roadway, which plays a good control role. Based on the theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the engineering application is carried out in the deep roadway. The observation of the field support effect shows that the surrounding rock of the roadway is controlled stably, and the dynamic reinforcement support is successfully applied in the engineering practice.
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