发布时间:2019-01-09 07:58
[Abstract]:Underground central substation is an important part of mine power supply and distribution system. To ensure the normal use of underground tunneling, drainage, ventilation, monitoring, lighting and other equipment, to ensure the normal operation of the main equipment in the mine. Because the mine electric power belongs to the first class load, the blackout will cause the very big economic loss. Therefore, the central electric substation must meet the requirements of basic parameters, first of all, meet the reliability of the power supply system, secondly, the rationality and economy of the design. Therefore, the design of underground central substation is especially important to high standard and high quality. The power supply center of the whole downhole central substation system undertakes the task of distribution, receiving electricity and transforming electricity. The central substation consists of high and low voltage distribution cabinets, mobile substations or riot-proof dry transformers, reactive power compensation equipment, leakage detection and so on. In the design of substation power supply, first of all, the production system, ventilation and drainage system, mining method and production machinery and equipment used in mining area should be understood. According to the electric load and the arrangement of electric equipment, the overall main wiring system of substation should be determined. On this basis, the rated values are determined by formula calculation, and then the main equipments such as transformers, cables and electrical appliances are selected, and the short-circuit current and various protection setting values are calculated in detail. Through the rational design of the main electrical wiring mode, the reasonable selection of the electrical devices, the accurate calculation of the protection values, the reasonable distribution of concrete floor to achieve the reliability and economic rationality of the power supply system of the substation, and the maneuverability of the system. It has the possibility of expansion and the flexibility of changing the operation mode to make it more in line with the actual needs. On the basis of deep understanding of the relevant theoretical knowledge and design experience of electrical design of reserve 10kV central substation, this paper deeply studies the daily maintenance and management of power supply and distribution system of central substation. The problem of power supply and distribution system is analyzed and solved independently.
[Abstract]:Underground central substation is an important part of mine power supply and distribution system. To ensure the normal use of underground tunneling, drainage, ventilation, monitoring, lighting and other equipment, to ensure the normal operation of the main equipment in the mine. Because the mine electric power belongs to the first class load, the blackout will cause the very big economic loss. Therefore, the central electric substation must meet the requirements of basic parameters, first of all, meet the reliability of the power supply system, secondly, the rationality and economy of the design. Therefore, the design of underground central substation is especially important to high standard and high quality. The power supply center of the whole downhole central substation system undertakes the task of distribution, receiving electricity and transforming electricity. The central substation consists of high and low voltage distribution cabinets, mobile substations or riot-proof dry transformers, reactive power compensation equipment, leakage detection and so on. In the design of substation power supply, first of all, the production system, ventilation and drainage system, mining method and production machinery and equipment used in mining area should be understood. According to the electric load and the arrangement of electric equipment, the overall main wiring system of substation should be determined. On this basis, the rated values are determined by formula calculation, and then the main equipments such as transformers, cables and electrical appliances are selected, and the short-circuit current and various protection setting values are calculated in detail. Through the rational design of the main electrical wiring mode, the reasonable selection of the electrical devices, the accurate calculation of the protection values, the reasonable distribution of concrete floor to achieve the reliability and economic rationality of the power supply system of the substation, and the maneuverability of the system. It has the possibility of expansion and the flexibility of changing the operation mode to make it more in line with the actual needs. On the basis of deep understanding of the relevant theoretical knowledge and design experience of electrical design of reserve 10kV central substation, this paper deeply studies the daily maintenance and management of power supply and distribution system of central substation. The problem of power supply and distribution system is analyzed and solved independently.
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