[Abstract]:In the process of coal preparation, heavy medium separation has gradually become the main separation method because of the advantages of wide particle size range, high separation accuracy, strong adaptability and easy to realize automation. As the most important factor in the process of heavy medium coal preparation, the change of suspension density directly affects the quality and separation efficiency of coal concentrate products, so it is particularly important to control the density of suspensions. The suspension density control system is a highly nonlinear, time-varying, strongly coupled and time-delay process. It is difficult to establish an accurate model of the controlled object. At the same time, with the change of raw coal properties and other parameters, the density setting value must be changed to ensure that the clean coal products meet the requirements. In order to solve the above problems, the control of suspension density and the prediction of the set value are studied in this paper. In this paper, the process of heavy medium coal preparation is introduced, and the cleaning process of heavy medium cyclone and its main influencing factors are described in detail. Based on the analysis of the relationship between input and output, a hybrid method combining mechanism knowledge with experimental data is used to model the density control system of heavy media suspension. The whole scheme of density control system of heavy medium suspension is designed. In the overall scheme of the control system, the (MFAC) algorithm of model-free adaptive control is used to control the suspension density. On the basis of introducing the basic theoretical knowledge of MFAC, the design and development of MFAC controller in suspension density control system are carried out, and the simulation results are compared with the usual PID and fuzzy PID control algorithms. An anti-lag MFAC (ADMFAC) controller is designed to solve the problem of MFAC in the case of lag, and compared with the standard MFAC in the case of nominal model and the increase of lag. In the MFAC algorithm, step size sequence kr and weight factor l are the main parameters that affect the system performance. However, there is no perfect theoretical method for MFAC parameter tuning. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the basic principle of ant colony algorithm, the influence of parameters and the advantages and disadvantages of the algorithm, this paper chooses to use the maximum and minimum ant system (MMAS) to adjust the ADMFAC parameters. The optimal combination of step size sequence kr and weight factor l is obtained to optimize the control performance of ADMFAC. Aiming at the prediction of suspension density, the prediction model is trained by (ELM) algorithm. This paper first introduces the factors influencing the density setting, then introduces the basic knowledge of the ELM algorithm, establishes the prediction model of the suspension density setting value, and finally forecasts the established model and compares it with the actual value.
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