[Abstract]:A low-grade porphyry copper-molybdenum ore containing 0.37% copper, 0.0096% molybdenum, 89.19% cupric sulphide and 85.42% molybdenum sulphide is a low-grade porphyry copper-molybdenum ore. The elements for comprehensive recovery or associated recovery are gold, rhenium and other precious metals and iron. A small amount of flake graphite contained in the ore will affect the flotation effect of molybdenum minerals. In order to determine the ore dressing process, the mineral processing test was carried out. The results show that the ore can be floated by 1 coarse 3 fine copper and molybdenum, 1 coarse 4 fine 1 sweep copper and molybdenum separation, 1 coarse 3 fine 2 sweep enhanced floating copper, 1 coarse 1 fine 1 weak magnetic separation iron, and 1 coarse 1 fine 1 weak magnetic separation process, and the molybdenum grade of 36.33% can be obtained. Molybdenum concentrate containing 1.69% copper, 68.12% molybdenum recovery, 19.24% copper grade, 2.42 g gold content, 0.095% molybdenum, 84.94% copper recovery copper concentrate, 66.19% iron grade, with copper recovery rate of 84.94%, copper grade of 19.24%, gold content of 2.42 g / t, molybdenum content of 0.095%. Iron recovery of 50.87% iron concentrate. The molybdenum concentrate with molybdenum grade 49.03%, molybdenum recovery 58.35%, rhenium 618.46 g / t and rhenium recovery 27.22% was obtained from the flotation molybdenum concentrate by gravity separation decarbonization.
【作者单位】: 紫金矿业集团股份有限公司;
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