发布时间:2022-08-10 20:59
【文章页数】:106 页
1 Introduction
1.1 General Background
1.2 Energy and Trade
1.2.1 The need for energy trade in Asia
1.2.2 Coal trade
1.3 Coal export trends for 2014-2015
1.3.1 Major players in the supply side of coal trade
1.4 Trend of World Coal import
1.4.1 Which countries import the most coal?
1.5 World?s Coal trade flows
1.5.1 The future of Coal demand
1.5.2 The future of Coal Production
1.6 Trade market for steam coal
1.7 Objective of this study
1.7.1 Specific objectives
1.8 Significance of the study
1.9 Contribution of the study
1.10 Chapter summary
2. Coal in the Asia-Pacific Market
2.1 A note on the structure of this Market
2.2 How important is Coal energy to Asian countries?
2.3 Trends of Coal Sector in each country under study
2.3.1 Coal sector in South Africa
2.3.2 Australia
2.3.3 China
2.3.4 Indonesia
2.3.5 Russia
2.3.6 Philippines
2.3.7 Vietnam and its Coal resources
2.4 Transport Cost
2.5 Chapter summary
3 Literature Review
3.1 The increasing role of coal in the power sector
3.2 Development of Equilibrium models
3.3 State of the literature
3.4 Chapter summary
4 Research Methodology
4.1 The Model for Coal
4.1.1 Coal Market Model for Asia and the Pacific
4.2 Spatial Equilibrium Models (SEM)
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Formulation of SEM?s
4.2.3 Mathematical Formulation of the Optimization Model
4.3 Influence of economic size on the volume of Coal trade
4.3.1 How geographical dispersion determines Coal Trade Flow in the region
4.4 Data and sources of data
4.5 Scope of study
4.6 Data analysis
4.7 Work flow
4.8 Organization of the thesis
4.9 Work Flow Chart
5 Findings and Discussions
5.1 Supply Curves
5.2 Demand Curves
5.3 Constant Terms
5.4 Summary Results for Least Square Estimations (OLS)
5.5 Optimization Results
5.5.1 Optimal Export quantities (from supply region)
5.5.2 Optimal Import quantities (demand region)
5.6 Equilibrium levels of trade/Optimal coal trade flows
5.6.1 Representation of Optimal Coal trade flows
5.6.2 Comparing Optimal Trade with the Actual Trade Flow
5.6.3 Explaining the difference between Actual trade and Optimal Trade
5.7 Influence of economic size and distance on volume of trade
5.8 Knowledge Gap for Future studies
5.9 Chapter summary
6 Conclusions
6.1 Recommendations
6.2 Limitations of the study
Author’s Resume
【文章页数】:106 页
1 Introduction
1.1 General Background
1.2 Energy and Trade
1.2.1 The need for energy trade in Asia
1.2.2 Coal trade
1.3 Coal export trends for 2014-2015
1.3.1 Major players in the supply side of coal trade
1.4 Trend of World Coal import
1.4.1 Which countries import the most coal?
1.5 World?s Coal trade flows
1.5.1 The future of Coal demand
1.5.2 The future of Coal Production
1.6 Trade market for steam coal
1.7 Objective of this study
1.7.1 Specific objectives
1.8 Significance of the study
1.9 Contribution of the study
1.10 Chapter summary
2. Coal in the Asia-Pacific Market
2.1 A note on the structure of this Market
2.2 How important is Coal energy to Asian countries?
2.3 Trends of Coal Sector in each country under study
2.3.1 Coal sector in South Africa
2.3.2 Australia
2.3.3 China
2.3.4 Indonesia
2.3.5 Russia
2.3.6 Philippines
2.3.7 Vietnam and its Coal resources
2.4 Transport Cost
2.5 Chapter summary
3 Literature Review
3.1 The increasing role of coal in the power sector
3.2 Development of Equilibrium models
3.3 State of the literature
3.4 Chapter summary
4 Research Methodology
4.1 The Model for Coal
4.1.1 Coal Market Model for Asia and the Pacific
4.2 Spatial Equilibrium Models (SEM)
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Formulation of SEM?s
4.2.3 Mathematical Formulation of the Optimization Model
4.3 Influence of economic size on the volume of Coal trade
4.3.1 How geographical dispersion determines Coal Trade Flow in the region
4.4 Data and sources of data
4.5 Scope of study
4.6 Data analysis
4.7 Work flow
4.8 Organization of the thesis
4.9 Work Flow Chart
5 Findings and Discussions
5.1 Supply Curves
5.2 Demand Curves
5.3 Constant Terms
5.4 Summary Results for Least Square Estimations (OLS)
5.5 Optimization Results
5.5.1 Optimal Export quantities (from supply region)
5.5.2 Optimal Import quantities (demand region)
5.6 Equilibrium levels of trade/Optimal coal trade flows
5.6.1 Representation of Optimal Coal trade flows
5.6.2 Comparing Optimal Trade with the Actual Trade Flow
5.6.3 Explaining the difference between Actual trade and Optimal Trade
5.7 Influence of economic size and distance on volume of trade
5.8 Knowledge Gap for Future studies
5.9 Chapter summary
6 Conclusions
6.1 Recommendations
6.2 Limitations of the study
Author’s Resume