本文关键词:短时冻土区花岗岩残积土边坡失稳机制研究 出处:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 花岗岩残积土 边坡 短时冻区 温湿度场 失稳
[Abstract]:Fujian province is located in the southeast coast of China, granite widely distributed. Short permafrost region (mainly in the territory of the city of Nanping, Sanming City and Ningde city), in the operation process of granite residual soil slope, often in the spring thaw during slope instability. Based on this, the typical granite residual soil in Nanping area of Wuyishan based on, using heat transfer theory, percolation theory and unsaturated soil mechanics theory, through the research of engineering characteristics of indoor tests of granite residual soil in permafrost area in short time, and by the method of numerical simulation, the slope of Wuyishan typical temperature field and humidity field and slope instability mechanism were studied. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Nanping Wuyishan area of the typical granite residual soil mainly took two kinds of analysis: 1 soil particle size of poorly graded gravel cohesive soil with low liquid limit, the proportion is 2.425, the most Dry density is 1.79g/cm3, the optimal water content is 14.95%: II soil particle size of poorly graded gravel cohesive soil with low liquid limit, the proportion is 2.316, the maximum dry density is 1.84g/cm3, the optimum water content was 15.02%. (2) with the increase of moisture content, the shear strength of soil was significantly decreased, and the a relatively small effect on the internal friction angle; the shear strength increases with the degree of compaction showed a significantly increasing trend; with the increased freezing and thawing cycles, the shear strength of soils including cohesion and internal friction angle decreased, but the change rate is more and more small, 3 cycles after basically unchanged. (3) freezing and thawing, the shallow surface moisture variations, and water containing 10cm below the curve flat, total water content and unfrozen water content decreased slightly or unchanged, Wuyishan area of the frozen layer thickness of about 10cm. frozen thawing slope soil condition The temperature and humidity changes with the temperature, initial moisture content and thermal conductivity is more obvious, and with the density and specific heat capacity change is not obvious. (4) short permafrost zone in shallow permafrost to melt completely, the physical parameters including severe, shear strength is reduced to a certain value, may occur in shallow instability, and its stability with freeze-thaw depth decreased significantly. With the increase of slope increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the stability decreases, the decline is more and more small, but because of the influence of freeze-thaw slope in Wuyishan area with limited depth, so that the freeze-thaw cycle has little effect on the stability of the deep slope, but there are large influence on the stability of shallow slope. (5) aiming at the instability mechanism, put forward to improve the soil temperature and humidity environment, three kinds of technical measures of slope conditions and setting protective structures.
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