发布时间:2018-01-23 23:54
本文关键词: 岩石力学 岩爆模拟 冲击地压 气液复合 高速密封 加载装置 出处:《岩石力学与工程学报》2014年S1期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:This paper introduces the design principle and technical features of a new gas-liquid composite fast compensation loader for rock burst simulation, which adopts a unique gas-liquid combination design with four cavities. The compression gas adiabatic expansion of the storage chamber is used to quickly compensate for the sudden drop of the pressure of the loader when the specimen is destroyed, which results in the simulated rockburst of the specimen. The test results show that the loading apparatus has high overall stiffness and good maneuverability. The characteristics of high speed seal, such as stable and reliable, solve the key problem of high speed guide seal, such as eliminating back pressure of return chamber, preventing gas from leaking to hydraulic cylinder. The simulation of rock burst process with different intensities of specimens under uniaxial loading conditions can be realized well. In addition, some problems that should be studied and solved in the next step of loaders are analyzed and discussed.
【作者单位】: 总参工程兵科研三所;哈尔滨工业大学机电学院;
【正文快照】: 1引言岩爆是一种在高地应力地区地下工程洞室开挖过程中,硬脆性围岩内聚积的弹性变形能因开挖扰动在一定条件下的突然猛烈释放现象,主要表现为大范围的岩体突然破坏和破裂产生的动力抛掷,并伴有不同程度的爆炸、撕裂声,围岩释放的大量能量,严重的岩爆甚至能将数以吨计的岩块和,