本文关键词: 自动报警 联动控制 控制器 整合 准确 出处:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic construction in our country, the living standards of the people are constantly improving, and the urban land is becoming increasingly tense, which promotes the building to become high-rise. The characteristics of high-rise buildings decide that automatic fire alarm and fire control linkage system are becoming more and more important. A set of effective automatic fire alarm and linkage system can accurately detect fire situation and carry out fire warning. And put out the fire in time when the fire is in its infancy, thus providing further protection for people's lives and property. Especially in the special environment of hospitals, with the development of society and medical technology, The Xingang Hospital has expanded and imported many advanced medical machinery. The original local, low-automation fire alarm system can no longer meet the current needs, so it is necessary to put forward a set of systematic, Intelligent automatic fire alarm and linkage control system play a better role in protecting hospitals from fire disasters. This design has designed a set of automatic fire alarm and its linkage control system for the single building of Xingang Hospital. Firstly, the present situation of fire disaster in our country is discussed, and the serious consequences of the fire in the hospital comprehensive building are deeply analyzed. And on the basis of the requirements of several national fire control norms and the actual needs of fire control in hospitals, A set of automatic fire alarm and linkage control system with the background of hospital complex building is designed in this paper. The core of this paper is JB-QT-GST5000 type LCD display bay fire alarm controller. The design and realization of automatic fire alarm and linkage control system of Xingang Central Hospital General Building are completed. In the project, automatic alarm and linkage control are integrated into one controller to monitor and control the fire of the whole building. And the fire hydrant pump system and the automatic sprinkler system are integrated in the linkage control. The following technical difficulties are solved: 1) the two control cabinets merge into one control cabinet / 2) the internal pressure of the water supply main pipeline from the pool to the fire network is overcome. The structure of the fire automatic alarm and linkage control system described in this paper is simple. The field operation proves that the system can meet the actual requirements of fire monitoring and achieve our expected purpose.
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