发布时间:2018-02-22 14:13
本文关键词: 人地和谐 中国古典园林 植物配置 运行机制 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:一直以来,人地关系都是地理学重要的研究课题。我们对于人地关系的研究有利于改变我们对于自然的态度,改变我们利用自然的实践活动,促进人地和谐,实现社会的可持续发展。伴随着经济和科技的进步,人类贪婪地向自然索取,肆意妄为地破坏环境使生态环境日益失衡,人类面临着严峻的考验,人类对和谐的人地关系的追求与渴望日益强烈。 中国古典园林浓缩了中国古代人民几千年的精神、文明和智慧。它通过空间组合、比例协调、尺度把握、色彩搭配等手法的运用形成独特的造园艺术,强调人与自然、人与人之间和谐的关系。“虽由人作,宛若天开”是我国古典园林的造园宗旨,不仅仅体现我国古代造园的高超技艺,也体现了我国古代造园者的人地和谐的理念,它是在尊重自然的基础之上进行人工修饰,打造自然式人工园林,不漏声色地去体现人地关系的和谐之美。中国古典园林中的植物景观在整个园林系统之中具有不可替代的作用,它不仅可以起到美化景观的作用,还具有平衡生态环境,促进人地和谐发展的作用。 本文以人地关系和谐理论为研究基础,对中国古典园林发展与现状进行了梳理与分析,探讨了中国古典园林植物配置的道法自然的环境协调法则和与天地参的人地协调法则,并探析了中国古典园林植物间和植物与其它要素的配置技法,进而提出了基于人地和谐的植物配置运行机制及对当代园林设计的启示。 本论文具体内容一共分八章。 第一章分析了课题的研究背景及研究意义,对国内外的相关研究进行了梳理与评述。研究认为:现有研究大都是从景观生态学、园艺学上研究园林植物配置,而缺少从地理学“人地和谐”的视角去专门研究植物配置的。 第二章对人地和谐和植物配置理论及相关的研究理论进行了论述和分析。 第三章总结和论述了中国古典园林植物配置的发展历史。 第四章对中国古典园林植物配置的思想内涵进行了解析,提出了植物配置的人地协调法则和植物配置的环境协调法则。 第五章探讨了在“人地和谐”思想的指导下,中国古典园林植物间和植物与其它要素的配置技法。植物间的配置技法追求“景因境异”、“自然之趣”和“季相协调”;植物与其它要素的配置技法探讨了植物与建筑、叠石和理水的配置技法。 第六章根据植物配置的人地协调法则和环境协调法则以及植物配置技法,提出了源于人地和谐的“道法自然”和“与天地参”作为思想基础的植物配置机制。在该机制下形成了园林植物景观空间的协调性、生态协调性、地域的协调性和文化的协调性,进而达到植物配置的艺术效果:因地制宜的植栽智慧,托物言志的园林造景,天人合一的审美追求。 第七章探讨了人地和谐的植物配置观对当代园林设计的启示:有利于弘扬人地和谐的园林文化,有益于理解与营造园林景观,有助于建立和谐的人地关系。 第八章是本文研究的结论和研究展望。
[Abstract]:The relationship between human and land has always been an important topic of geography . Our research on the relationship between human and land is beneficial to change our attitude towards nature , change our practical activities with nature , promote human harmony and realize the sustainable development of society . Along with the progress of economy and technology , human beings are greedily asked to destroy the environment . Chinese classical gardens concentrate the spirit , civilization and wisdom of ancient Chinese people for thousands of years . It forms unique gardening art by means of spatial combination , proportional coordination , scale assurance and color matching . Based on the theory of human - land relation harmony , this paper analyzes and analyzes the development and present situation of classical gardens in China , discusses the natural environmental coordination law of Chinese classical garden plants and the human - land coordination law with heaven and earth , and probes into the collocation techniques of Chinese classical garden plants and plants and other elements , and then puts forward the mechanism of plant allocation based on human - based harmony and the inspiration to contemporary landscape design . The contents of this thesis are divided into eight chapters . In the first chapter , the background and significance of the research are analyzed , and the related researches at home and abroad are reviewed and reviewed . In the second chapter , the theory of human harmony and the theory of plant collocation and the relevant research theory are discussed and analyzed . The third chapter summarizes and discusses the development history of Chinese classical landscape plant configuration . The fourth chapter analyzes the connotation of Chinese classical garden plant configuration , and puts forward the human - land coordination principle and the environmental coordination law of plant configuration . The fifth chapter discusses the collocation techniques of Chinese classical garden plants and plants and other elements under the guidance of " man - to - earth harmony " . In the sixth chapter , according to the human - land coordination law and the environmental coordination law and the plant collocation technique of the plant configuration , the plant collocation mechanism originated from the harmony between man and land is put forward , and the harmony of landscape space , ecological harmony , regional harmony and cultural harmony are formed in this mechanism . The seventh chapter discusses the enlightenment of the human - land harmonious plant collocation view to the contemporary landscape design : it is beneficial to carry forward the harmonious garden culture , which is beneficial to understanding and creating the landscape , and helps to establish harmonious human relations . Chapter 8 is the conclusion and prospect of the study .
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