发布时间:2018-02-26 20:21
本文关键词: 招投标 违规行为 监管 防范 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:建设工程项目实行招投标制度,对我国建筑市场的管理和经营是一项全面和重要的改革,这在公平、公开、公正的原则基础上,确保了建设工程质量符合要求,,加快了工程施工进度,使每个建设参与者获得良好的经济效益。建筑市场和招投标制度在经过不断地发展和完善,已基本实现了建设工程交易由隐蔽到开放、由分散到集中、由无序到有序,极大遏制了建设工程招投标活动中的各种违规行为。随着建筑市场中招投标相关参与方的违规舞弊手段的更新变化,行动方式变得更为隐蔽,即使工程招投标制度也在发展和完善,建筑市场的监管部门加强管理,但违规招投标的现象还是时有发生,这严重影响招投标市场的正常秩序。 要更好的预防和制止违法违规的情况出现,必须对其表现形式有深刻的认识,制定针对性的防范策略。根据招标实践所知,招投标违规行为的主要表现形式有:串标围标、违法转包分包、挂靠、规避招标、行政干涉、政企不分、专家水平差、不公正评标等等。本文从法律法规的不完善、利益驱使、执法力度、诚信缺失、专家素质等方面分析招投标违规行为的成因,并探讨如何通过加强建筑市场管理、完善制度、创新方法、转变思想和综合治理,从而防范违规行为的发生。
[Abstract]:The implementation of the bidding system for construction projects is a comprehensive and important reform in the management and management of the construction market in China, which ensures that the quality of construction projects meets the requirements on the basis of the principles of fairness, openness and fairness. Through continuous development and improvement of the construction market and bidding system, the construction project transaction has basically been realized from concealment to openness, from decentralization to centralization. From disorder to order, all kinds of illegal behaviors in bidding activities of construction projects have been greatly curbed. As the means of irregularities by relevant participants in the construction market have changed, the way of action has become more subtle. Even though the system of engineering bidding is developing and perfecting, the supervision department of construction market strengthens the management, but the phenomenon of illegal bidding still occurs from time to time, which seriously affects the normal order of bidding market. In order to prevent and stop violations of law and regulations, we must have a deep understanding of their forms of expression and formulate targeted preventive strategies. Illegal subcontracting, subcontracting, avoiding bidding, administrative interference, government and enterprise, poor level of experts, unfair evaluation of bids, etc. This article from the laws and regulations of imperfect, interest driven, law enforcement, lack of integrity, This paper analyzes on the causes of illegal bidding and bidding from the aspects of experts' quality, and discusses how to prevent the illegal behavior by strengthening the management of construction market, perfecting the system, innovating methods, changing ideas and comprehensive management.
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