本文选题:生态规划 切入点:生态保护分区 出处:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:风景区的生态资源是景区发展的基础,是宝贵的资源,具有脆弱性、原生性、不可替代性。当前,风景区的开发在给当地带来巨大经济收益的同时,也威胁着当地的生态资源。如何处理风景区保护和开发的关系,使风景区可持续发展,是当前面临的严峻挑战,而生态规划无疑是解决这个问题的重要途径。 本文以四川黑龙滩风景区为研究对象,运用生态学、景观生态学、生态经济学等各方面的理论知识,在进行了大量实地调研、资料搜集整理的基础上,从生态保护分区、景观格局优化、生态网络规划三个方面对黑龙滩风景区的生态规划进行了探讨,其主要结果如下: (1)根据生态经济学的理论方法,通过对谢高地的生态系统单位面积生态系统服务价值表进行修正,得出黑龙滩风景区生态系统单位面积生态服务价值表,经计算:黑龙滩生态系统服务价值总计3.3亿元,其中,土壤涵养的服务价值最高,为约为8289万元,废物处理的服务价值次之,约为8034万元,气候调节的服务价值排第三位,约为4316万元。 (2)通过生态敏感性分析,进行了生态保护分区。本文选取坡度、地表水、植被、人类干扰四个生态因子进行了生态敏感性分析,并在生态敏感性分析的基础上进行了生态保护分区,其结果表明:I级生态保护区面积29.13平方千米,占景区面积的16%,主要分布在北部东风渠入水口、西南部眉山取水口、东南部仁寿取水口周围的水涵养区;湖中岛屿;景区水域东南部。II级生态保护区面积为60.19平方千米,占景区面积的33%,主要分布在除湖中岛屿以外的大部分水域及其缓冲带。III级生态保护区为91.28平方千米,占景区面积的51%,主要分布在景区内除I级、II级生态保护区以外的地区,大多是坡度小、地势平坦、人类活动密集的区域。 (3)通过景观指数分析,进行了景观格局优化。本文选取斑块总面积、斑块占景观面积比例、最大斑块指数、形状指数、景观破碎度等景观指数来反映黑龙滩风景区土地利用景观格局特征和乡村居民点的景观格局特征。 土地利用景观格局特征表明:黑龙滩风景区属于典型的低山丘陵地带的乡村景观。耕地、林地的面积比例高,居民点及工矿用地比例较低、交通用地的比例极低;居民点、交通用地的破碎度较高。黑龙滩风景区需要提高交通用地比例,提高土地资源集约化利用程度。 乡村居民点的景观格局特征表明:具有较强集聚发展潜力的村是天桥村、大田村和茶山村,具有撤并潜力的是望峨村、繁荣村、泉家村;大田村、白坭村的城镇化程度高。将景观指数斑块总面积、最大斑块指数、平均最近邻体距离三个指标作为农村居民点整理的主要考察指标,结合当地具体情况,对农村居民点进行了格局优化,将其分为发展村、控制村、萎缩村、搬迁村。 (4)通过生态网络分析,进行生态网络规划。本文对风景区进行生态节点选取、节点间吸引力估算、阻力面构建的基础上应用网络分析方法和最小耗费距离模型进行了生态网络构建,其结果表明:现状生态网络情况大体良好,但存在节点不均衡,生态廊道沟通不足的问题,生态节点多位于景区东南部,西北部较少,需在景区西北部双燕子、景区北部杨柳镇、景区西部的光相乡环湖一带、东北部泉家村各增加一个生态节点,另构建沟通各生态节点之间的生态网络;规划的生态网络由48条生态廊道和42个节点组成,48条生态廊道共计96688.41米,连接了除24号、30号、16号生态节点以外的所有现存生态节点,也连接了4个新增的生态节点;规划生态廊道所连通的现存生态节点的面积为2879.69公顷,占景区内植物群落总面积的65.3%,促进了节点间的交流,形成了一个空间连贯的生态网络系统。 针对以上研究结果,本文建议黑龙滩风景区组织生态旅游、建立生态补偿机制;按照本文生态保护分区的结果进行生态分区管理;提高交通用地比例、进行土地资源集约利用,将农村居民点按发展村、控制村、萎缩村、搬迁村四种类型进行整理;按照本文构建的生态网络的空间分布来建设生态廊道及生态节点。
[Abstract]:The ecological resources in scenic spot is the basis for the development of scenic spots, is a valuable resource, has the vulnerability, original, cannot be replaced. At present, the development of scenic areas to bring huge economic benefits to the local, but also threaten the local ecological resources. How to deal with the relationship between protection and development of scenic areas, the sustainable the development of scenic area, is facing severe challenges, and ecological planning is an important way to solve this problem.
This paper takes Sichuan Heilongtan scenic area as the research object, the use of ecology, landscape ecology, ecological economics and other aspects of theoretical knowledge, in a large number of field research, based on the data collected, the ecological protection zone, ecological landscape pattern optimization, network three aspects of ecological planning of Heilongtan scenic area discussion on the planning, the main results are as follows:
(1) according to the theory of ecological economics, the Xie ecosystem ecosystem service value per unit area is corrected, the area of ecological service ecosystem Heilongtan scenic area unit value table, by calculating the value of ecosystem services: Heilongtan a total of 330 million yuan, of which, the soil conservation service value is the highest for about 82 million 890 thousand yuan, the service value of waste disposal, is about 80 million 340 thousand yuan, climate regulation service value ranked third, about 43 million 160 thousand yuan.
(2) through the analysis of ecological sensitivity, ecological protection zone. In this paper, the selection of slope, surface water, vegetation, human disturbance of four ecological factors of the ecological sensitivity analysis, and based on the analysis on the ecological sensitivity of ecological protection zone, the results showed that the I level of ecological protection area of 29.13 square kilometers, accounting for scenic area of 16%, mainly distributed in the north of the southwest Meishan Dongfengqu water inlet, water intake, water conservation areas in southeastern Jenshou around the water intake; Lake islands; scenic waters of the southeastern.II ecological protection area of 60.19 square kilometers, accounting for 33% of the scenic area, mainly distributed in most in the waters outside the islands on the lake and the buffer zone.III ecological protection area of 91.28 square kilometers, accounting for 51% of the area is mainly distributed in the area, in addition to I, other than II ecological protection areas, mostly small slope, ground A flat, dense area of human activity.
(3) through the analysis of landscape index, the landscape pattern optimization. This paper selects total plaque area, plaque area accounted for the proportion of the landscape, the largest patch index, shape index, landscape fragmentation and landscape index to reflect the characteristics of landscape pattern and landscape pattern characteristics of rural settlements land use Heilongtan Scenic Area.
Land use landscape pattern shows that Heilongtan scenic area is a typical hilly area of the rural landscape. The area proportion of arable land, forest land, residential and industrial land is relatively low, the traffic land ratio is very low; the residents, traffic land fragmentation is high. Heilongtan scenic area needs increase the proportion of land transportation, improve the land intensive utilization degree.
Show that the landscape pattern of rural settlements: strong agglomeration development potential of the village is the bridge village, Datian village and tea village, has the potential is at the merge e Cun, prosperous village, Quan Jia Cun Da Tian Cun, the degree of urbanization; Bai Ni Cun high. The landscape index total plaque area, the largest patch index the main index, the average nearest neighbor distance as three indicators of rural residential land consolidation, combined with local conditions, the optimized pattern of rural settlements, which is divided into the development of village and control village, atrophy of village, the relocation of the village.
(4) through ecological network analysis, ecological network planning. The scenic ecological node selection, the node attraction between estimates, based on the construction of resistance network analysis method and minimum cost distance model of ecological network construction, the results show that the ecological status of the network in good, but there are nodes is not balanced ecological corridor, communication problems, ecological nodes located in the southeast of the northwest area, less in the northwest area of double swallow, northern town of willow scenic, scenic West Xiang Lake area, northeast of Quan Jia Cun added one ecological node, another building communication between the eco ecological network node; ecological network planning consists of 48 ecological corridors and 42 nodes, 48 ecological corridors totaling 96688.41 meters, in addition to the connection of No. 24, No. 30, No. 16 ecological node to all existing outside of the ecological Nodes also connect 4 new ecological nodes. The area of the existing ecological nodes connected with the planned ecological corridors is 2879.69 hectares, accounting for 65.3% of the total plant communities in the scenic area, which promotes the communication between nodes and forms a spatially coherent ecosystem network.
According to the above results, the organization of Heilongtan ecological tourism scenic area is suggested in this paper, the establishment of ecological compensation mechanism; ecological zoning management according to the results in this paper improve the traffic ecological protection zoning; land ratio, for the intensive use of land resources, the rural residential development in village and control Village, atrophy of village, the relocation of the village of four types collate; according to the spatial distribution of ecological network is constructed in this paper to the construction of ecological corridor and ecological nodes.
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