本文选题:中心区地下空间 切入点:重庆 出处:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:世界正在由“城市化世纪”走向“城市世纪”,城市已成为人类最主要的生存空间。但目前世界各大城市都在不同程度上面临着人口膨胀、资源短缺、环境污染、生态恶化等“生存危机”,现代城市的功能要求和传统城市空间形态间的矛盾日益尖锐起来,这些尤为突出的集中表现在城市中心区。地下空间以其特有的优越性而越来越受到人们的青睐,实践表明,开发利用地下空间,不仅能有效缓解土地资源紧缺导致的各种城市矛盾,而且是实现城市可持续发展的重要途径。 重庆主城区地下空间的开发利用由来已久,由于缺少相关理论指导和实践经验,遇到了种种问题,其开发利用及发展方向还没有形成统一明确的框架。本文希望通过借鉴发达国家地下空间开发利用的经验,探讨如何根据重庆市主城区的特点,有效整合现有的地下空间资源,找到适合的重庆市市情市貌的地下空间规划方法和开发策略,引导主城区地下空间的科学布局,推动城市的健康发展。 本文的研究正是基于以上问题展开的,共分为五个部分: 第一部分:提出问题,介绍研究背景、研究意义和研究方法,并对国外城市地下空间的理论研究和实践概况进行了扼要的回顾与述评。 第二部分:从基本的理论认知入手,对城市中心区地下空间的分类、开发强度、利用形式、开发模式和未来的发展趋势进行了深入分析。 第三部分:探讨了城市中心区地下空间规划方法。首先明确了中心区地下空间规划的内容,进而提出了地下空间开发的原则。在此基础上,从地下空间的外部协调规划和本体空间规划两个方面展开。地下空间的外部协调规划必须在宏观层面上对地下空间及其外部城市环境进行统筹,使二者在空间规模、城市功能和区位形态上协调发展,形成良好的互动;地下空间的本体规划主要对地下空间的基本形态和特征进行分析,并对地下空间的布局方法进行了总结,提出了合理的空间竖向层次及各层次适宜的功能布局。 第四部分:进入实例部分,首先回顾了重庆市主城区地下空间发展的历史沿革,研究了现有地下空间的各种类型,并根据以上的基础研究,从空间扩容、城市交通、城市绿化、历史文化名城保护、人防系统公共化等方面提出了城市地下空间发展的需求,指出重庆市主城已具备地下空间开发条件,应跳出旧有模式,在更大的范围内进行地下空间开发建设。最后,对重庆市主城区的地下空间开发进行了总结,介绍了在开发过程中取得的成绩,如对原有地下设施的有效利用,依靠山地地形的特色开发、空间制度上的有益尝试等等,同时也指出了今后地下空间发展需要解决的开发比例、管理和设计上的诸多问题。 第五部分:对重庆市主城区的地下空间规划和发展策略进行分项研究,对应文章的第五章和第六章。第五章选取重庆市典型的地下空间——渝中区解放碑地区进行研究,,首先分析了地面和地下空间的现状,引入了定量研究,通过总建筑量和地面环境的支撑规模求得了研究片区地下空间的需求量;其次从功能规划、形态规划和出入口的设计,详细阐述了如何整合地下空间资源,并对研究片区地下空间的总体结构和布局提出了初步的设想;第六章从中心区地下空间的发展、运营和管理和法制法规制定三个方面详细论述了地下空间发展的策略,是地下空间发展的有利支撑。 目前,重庆市的地下空间规划尚处于快速发展阶段,而城市中心区地下空间的理论研究在我国也刚刚起步,有待进一步研究和探索,本文希望通过上述的研究,能够对今后一段时期内重庆市主城区地下空间开发建设,起到一定的推动作用。
[Abstract]:The world is a "city of the century" to the "Century City", the city has become the most important living space for human beings. But most of the city in the world are facing varying degrees of population expansion, resource shortage, environmental pollution, ecological deterioration and "survival crisis", the contradiction between the functional requirements of the modern city and the traditional city space between the form of increasingly sharp, these outstanding concentrated in the city center. The underground space with its unique advantages are becoming more and more popular, the practice shows that the development and utilization of underground space, not only can effectively alleviate the shortage of land resources in the city all kinds of contradictions, and is an important way to realize the sustainable development of the city.
The development and utilization of underground space in urban areas of Chongqing, the long-standing, due to the lack of theoretical guidance and practical experience, encountered various problems, the exploitation and the development direction has not formed a unified and clear framework. This paper hopes to learn from the developed countries for the development and utilization of the underground space of experience, according to the characteristics of the urban area of Chongqing City, effective integration the underground space of the existing resources, underground space planning methods and development strategy of Chongqing city for the city to find the situation, to guide the city underground space scientific layout, promote the healthy development of the city.
This study is based on the above problems and is divided into five parts:
The first part puts forward the problems, introduces the research background, significance and research methods, and makes a brief review and commentary on the theoretical research and practice of urban underground space abroad.
The second part: starting from the basic theoretical cognition, the classification, development intensity, utilization form, development mode and future development trend of underground space in urban central area are analyzed.
The third part discusses the method of underground space in the central area of the city planning. The first clear the central area of the underground space planning content, and then put forward the principle of development of underground space. Based on this, from the underground space external coordination planning and spatial planning body two aspects. The external coordination planning of underground space planning must be carried out on the underground city space and external environment at the macro level, the two in the space scale, the coordinated development of city function and location form, form a good interaction; the main body of underground space planning of underground space in the basic form and features, and the underground space layout method is summarized, put forward the vertical level a reasonable and appropriate level of each functional layout.
The fourth part: in the example part, firstly reviews the history of the development of underground space in Chongqing City, various types of existing underground space, and according to the theories above, from the expansion of space, city traffic, city greening, the protection of historical and cultural city, the city underground space development needs public air defense system so, the main city of Chongqing has pointed out that the development of underground space conditionsshould should get rid of the old model, the construction of underground space development in the greater scope. Finally, in the urban area of Chongqing city underground space development is summarized, the introduction of the achievements in the development process, such as the original underground facilities available use, rely on characteristic development of mountain terrain, the space system beneficial attempt and so on, but also pointed out the need to be solved in the development of underground space development in the future than the cases, management and design A lot of problems.
The fifth part: the item study of underground space planning and development strategy of Chongqing City, corresponding to the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter. The fifth chapter selects Chongqing typical underground space -- Monument for Liberation area of Yuzhong District, analyzed the status quo of ground and underground space, the introduction of quantitative research, the demand the study area undergroundspace through the support size of the total construction and ground environment; secondly from the function of planning, form planning and design an entrance, and describes how to integrate the resources of underground space, and a preliminary idea of the overall structure and layout of the study area of underground space is put forward; the sixth chapter from the development of the central area of the underground space the operation and management and legal regulations formulated three aspects of underground space development strategy, is favorable to support the development of underground space.
At present, the underground space planning of Chongqing city is still in the stage of rapid development, but the theory study of underground space in City Center District in China has just started, further research and exploration, this paper hope through the above research, to the construction of underground space for a period of time in the city of Chongqing Development Zone, play a promoting role.
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