本文关键词:庆阳支线管道腐蚀控制研究与参数测量分析 出处:《西部探矿工程》2016年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 长输管道 庆阳支线 腐蚀控制 参数测量 分析
[Abstract]:Whether the corrosion control of long-distance pipeline is reasonable and effective is directly related to the running safety and economic life of pipeline. This paper starts with the mechanism of pipeline corrosion and control. The principle of cathodic protection of pipeline and the measurement method of relevant parameters are analyzed in depth. Combined with the actual situation, the trend map of cathodic protection potential parameters measured in Qingyang branch line in recent years is compared synthetically to find the abnormal section of cathodic protection. At the same time, the reexamination and experimental verification of the abnormal pipe section are carried out to find out the root of the problem, and the analysis and summary of the current oil and gas transmission branch in the pipeline power failure potential measurement. The limitation of evaluating the effectiveness of pipeline cathodic protection and the misunderstandings in the measurement and analysis of cathodic protection parameters. It provides reference and guidance for other branches and stations to carry out pipeline corrosion control research and parameter measurement and analysis.
【作者单位】: 中国石油管道公司西安输油气分公司;中国石油管道公司沈阳龙昌管道检测中心;
【正文快照】: 随着能源需求的不断增长,承担油气运输任务主力军的管道行业得到快速发展,为实现降本增效,提高管道投用效率,建设期间优化设计方案、采用焊接新工艺和防腐新材料已被广泛采用,但是,如何延长管道运行寿命,其腐蚀控制系统起到了至关重要的作用[1]。目前,国内外诸多学者针对这一
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