本文关键词:低渗油气田完井固井技术研究与应用 出处:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As everyone knows, in the drilling process of oil exploitation, the horizontal well is an effective method to improve profitability, while in low permeability oilfield development using the same fracturing horizontal well completion operation, can make the production benefit maximization, but the horizontal well complex structure, both the drilling phase or completion stage exist the difficulties, especially to the completion and cementing stage cementing, perforating debris is difficult to remove, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of cementing, easy damage caused by various accidents, so the choice of cement slurry is especially important. This requires the cement slurry of oil and gas field development and choice of good fluidity and curing consistency. A filter and flexible performance requirements. At the same time for oil and gas well completion work smoothly with low permeability effectively, improve the sedimentation stability of cementing slurry, fire In addition to the impact of crumbs in the bed and slurry tank free horizontal well drilling, reduce slurry filtration and leakage risk loss of reservoir pollution, ensure the formation of cement slurry column and strata cementing, formation and formation of effective separation, control and eliminate the level of the reservoir fluid on the influence of improving cementing quality, integrity high impact of cement stone in perforating and fracturing process of low permeability oil and gas field development cost, improve the efficiency of oil and gas field development, this paper carried out the research on oil and gas field cementing technology in low permeability. Through sufficient research at home and abroad because of increased production, especially the fracturing operation, leading to the cement ring from the point of view of the damage, the cement slurry system defects and the construction procedure analysis of the causes of damage to the low permeability oilfield fracturing well cementing design basis. In this paper, expounds the low-permeability oil and gas wells cementing technology The research status, application of debris from the evaluation of low permeability oil and gas field method, impact free liquid filtration of mud, low permeability oil fracturing of horizontal gas well completion solid slurry, to strengthen the cement solidification and migration control of cement slurry, slurry to improve flexibility, to better guide the practical work. Based on the literatures at home and abroad, a comprehensive study of the field data in low permeability oil well cementing and fracturing design as the foundation, get the cement slurry system suitable.
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