本文关键词:沾化凹陷桩西地区沙三段-沙一段沉积相及其演化 出处:《地质科技情报》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The sedimentary structure of the third and first member of Shahejie formation in Zhanhua depression is complicated and the sedimentary types are various. Based on the observation and description of the core of 17 coring wells in the study area, the data of seismic, logging and logging are combined. In this paper, the characteristics and evolution of fan delta, turbidite and beach dam in the third and first member of Shahejie formation in Zhuanxi area are systematically analyzed. On the basis of the study of sedimentary facies, the method of integrated mapping based on single factor analysis and multi-factor analysis is presented. The distribution of sedimentary facies in different strata of Shahejie formation in Zhuanxi area was studied by selecting single factors, such as the thickness of sand gravel, the percentage content of sandy gravel, carbonate rock thickness and the percentage distribution of biological limestone. The results show that the sedimentary fan delta sand body in the margin of lake basin near Changdi fault and turbidite sand body in the descending plate of syngenic fault in the center of lake basin are deposited in the sedimentary period of the third member of Shahejie formation in Zhuangxi area. In the second member of Sha formation, fan delta sand bodies were deposited on the margin of lake basin near Changdi fault, sand beach dam and biotic beach in the margin of buried hill and northwest margin of the study area. The sedimentary period of the first member of the Shaheyi formation was mainly near the edge of the lake basin to sedimentary biotic beach and lacustrine carbonate rock, and the mudstone and mudstone were deposited in the central part of the lake basin.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院;胜利油田桩西采油厂;
【正文快照】: 桩西油田自1997年开始钻探以来,主要勘探古潜山油藏,兼探新近系、古近系油藏,目前在新近系、古近系中分别在东营组、沙一段、沙二段、沙三段和沙四段5个层系获得工业油流[1-4],具有良好的勘探前景。但是,目前对研究区沙河街组油气勘探程度整体较低,对于桩西地区沙河街组,前人
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