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发布时间:2018-01-16 05:25

  本文关键词:产能试井在长岭气田开发中的应用分析 出处:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 产能试井 动态监测 一点法试井 无阻流量

[Abstract]:With the increase of the amount of natural gas, the gas production requirements are increasingly high. The exploitation of natural gas to make the formation pressure has been reduced, at the same time, mining has become increasingly difficult. Domestic and foreign experts have done a lot of research on gas production technology, has been very impressive results. Gas well productivity is an important index to describe the nature of the gas reservoir, is a reservoir potential favorable evaluation. The first task, how to more effectively work gas dynamic monitoring and interpretation evaluation research. For example, in natural gas production in the process of management, dynamic monitoring of gas field focus through the static, the data collection and analysis, to meet the needs of information demand and dynamic analysis, provide the basis for the reasonable development of the gas field, in order to achieve an accurate understanding of the development of the gas reservoir in order to strengthen. To calculate the open flow and well controlled reserves, well time these aspects of the application of reasonable close gas test. Productivity well testing technology is an important means of development of dynamic monitoring field. The most urgent problem to be solved well testing and technical personnel, is to solve the problem of complex geological conditions through the analysis of the test data, it is gas field development problems, or how to use well logging data to diagnose the contradiction between gas field development, it has become an effective means of using test data. Therefore, the grim situation of gas well deliverability test has brought new challenges, but also brought a rare opportunity for development, testing technology will also continue to solve the contradiction of development at the same time, the gradual development and improvement. This paper summarizes the development process of the production capacity of deliverability testing and testing technology, Changling gas field as an example, the test data in the process of gas field development The actual application, analyzed the directive function test data of different production conditions in the process of gas field development. At the same time, through the analysis of a formula, the main parameters to find out the influence of calculation results of non resistance flow capacity coefficient, and the modified theoretical formula of modified deliverability coefficient into one point method. By the empirical formula of the new Changling gas field. Through error analysis, and combined with the geological and site conditions, get the conclusion that the new formula, the calculated flow is more consistent with the actual situation of Changling gas field.



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